Who is the ruler of Equatorial Guinea?

Who is the ruler of Equatorial Guinea?

The current president of Equatorial Guinea is Teodoro Obiang.

What language do they speak in Equatorial Guinea?


What is the population of Equatorial Guinea 2021?

The current population of Equatorial Guinea is 1,449,029 as of Monday, July 5, 2021, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. Equatorial Guinea 2020 population is estimated at 1,402,985 people at mid year according to UN data.

What is the largest city in Equatorial Guinea?


What religions are practiced in Equatorial Guinea?

According to the most recent estimate, 88 percent of the population is Roman Catholic and 5 percent is Protestant. Many Christians reportedly practice some aspects of traditional indigenous religions as well. Two percent of the population is Muslim (mainly Sunni).

Why is Equatorial Guinea the richest country in Africa?

Equatorial Guinea has become the richest country, per capita, in sub-Saharan Africa since the discovery of oil and natural gas reserves in the 1990s, yet the majority of its people remain extremely poor.

What food is Equatorial Guinea known for?

The staple foods in Equatorial Guinea include cassava, bananas, rice and yam with chicken, meat (often locally hunted game) or fish. Popular national dishes include chicken served in cream sauce with boiled plantain, grilled fish cooked with pumpkin seeds and served in leaves, and guinea fowl paella.

What was Equatorial Guinea called before?

Formerly a colony of Spain with the name Spanish Guinea, the country achieved its independence on October 12, 1968. The capital is Malabo, on Bioko.

Who colonized Guinea?


Is Equatorial Guinea a rich country?

All figures are from the 2017 International Monetary Fund data. Currently, Equatorial Guinea is the richest country in Africa, with a per capita income of $34,865….African Countries by GDP.

Rank Country GDP Per Capita (International Dollar)
1 Equatorial Guinea 34,865
2 Seychelles 28,712
3 Mauritius 21,628
4 Gabon 19,266

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