
Who is the speaker of the third stanza to whom is the Stanza addressed?

Who is the speaker of the third stanza to whom is the Stanza addressed?

The nymph

What can the small violets tell us that grow on the furry stems in the long grass among lance shaped leaves?

William Carlos Williams. We cannot go to the country for the country will bring us no peace What can the small violets tell us that grow on the furry stems in the long grass among lance shaped leaves? Cure it if you can but do not believe that we can live today in the country for the country will bring us no peace.

When was Raleigh written?


What is the structure of The Passionate Shepherd to His Love?

With a classic rhyme scheme of aabb, “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” is written in iambic tetrameter, which is four feet (tetra) of unstressed/stressed syllables (iambic), with seven stanzas each composed of two rhyming couplets.

What does the shepherd want from his beloved?

The shepherd promises to take his beloved away to an Edenic paradise full of valleys, groves, fields and hills, woods and steep mountains. He knows that if he’s going to seal the deal, he needs to make the prospect of being with him so tempting that his beloved will find it hard to resist.

What word is used by the poet to describe the shepherd?

The word pastoral comes from the Latin word for shepherd. Pastoral poems…

What happens to the nightingale in line 7?

According to line 7 of the “nymph’s reply”, the nightingale becomes dumb as the seasons change: the world and the material things in it are bound to the passage of time which ensures that they deteriorate and decay; the change in time guarantees that the most valuable things will lose value and pass away….

What is the mood of the Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd?

The tone of “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” is ironic. The nymph is the poetic speaker, and she is resisting the “carpe diem,”……

What do Nymphs represent?

Nymph, in Greek mythology, any of a large class of inferior female divinities. The nymphs were usually associated with fertile, growing things, such as trees, or with water. They were not immortal but were extremely long-lived and were on the whole kindly disposed toward men.

Can nymphs turn into animals?

Nymphs are often referred to as goddesses, and some are immortal. Although they are naturally long-lived, many nymphs can die. Nymphs can cause metamorphoses. This is the Greek word for changing shape, usually into plants or animals, as in the novel by Kafka and the book of mythology by Ovid….

Can nymphs have wings?

In biology, a nymph is the immature form of some invertebrates, particularly insects, which undergoes gradual metamorphosis (hemimetabolism) before reaching its adult stage. Unlike a typical larva, a nymph’s overall form already resembles that of the adult, except for a lack of wings (in winged species).

What do you call a fairy without wings?

Technically, pixies are not fairies. However, they are included in the races of hidden folk. Pixies do not have wings, so they cannot fly. However, they can move very quickly – often faster than a human eye can follow. Sprites, who live in trees, do not have wings, either, but once again they are not actual fairies.

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