Who is Wopsle in Great Expectations?

Who is Wopsle in Great Expectations?

Wopsle is the clerk at church, an official who assists the minister at church services and who teaches in the local school. He is proudest of his deep, resonant voice which he employs in his great aunt’s school when he “examined the students.”

Why didn’t PIP tell Joe the truth concerning the convict and the theft?

Why didn’t Pip tell Joe the truth concerning the convict and the theft? Pip did not tell Joe the truth because he was afraid of losing Joe’s confidence and friendship. Joe probably married Pip’s sister because he felt sympathy for Pip and how he was being treated.

What did Miss Havisham want PIP for?

The first answer is the reason that Miss Havisham actually gives at the time that she invites Pip. What she says is that she wants someone to keep Estella company — someone young to play with her.

What does Pip whisper to Magwitch on his deathbed?

Pip whispered to Magwitch on his deathbed that his daughter is alive, and he is in love with her. “I will never stir from your side,” said I, “when I am suffered to be near you. Please God, I will be as true to you as you have been to me!”

What does Pip find out from wemmick?

Pip discovers that Wemmick has a human side which he takes care to hide when he is at work in Mr. Jaggers’ office in London. Wemmick also has a lady friend whom he will eventually marry.

What advice does wemmick give PIP just before they part?

Wemmick advises Pip to stay away and to keep tabs on Provis through Herbert. He can go to see Provis today, but once he returns to his apartment, he shouldn’t visit him. Wemmick tells Pip to also get ahold of Provis’ portable property, for something could happen to him.

How does wemmick affect PIP?

Although this statement is a reference to Wemmick’s life in two spheres as Pip tries to come to an acceptance of Magwitch as his benefactor, Wemmick also increases the reader’s appreciation for Pip’s progression from being insensitive and driven by his financial wealth to becoming caring and fiscally responsible.

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