
Who paid for all of the new supplies and cabin materials how?

Who paid for all of the new supplies and cabin materials how?

Cole paid for all of the new supplies and cabin materials. He paid for them with money he got from selling his most prized possessions.

How is Cole’s second trip to the island funded?

How is Cole’s second trip to the island being funded? Cole has to sell all of his personal belongs, such as his dirk bike, snowmobile, bicycle, skis, and helmet.

What does Cole do to his supplies and shelter when he arrives on the island?

When Cole arrives on the island, he is consumed by anger, bitterness, and an unwillingness to change. As soon as Edwin, a Tlingit elder, and Garvey leave, Cole sets fire to his constructed shelter and supplies, and jumps into the ocean to swim to freedom.

How does Garvey want Cole to pay him back for his kindness?

How does Garvey want Cole to pay him back for his kindness? What kindness does Peter extend to Cole? He lets Cole sleep in the cabin. What does Cole ask Peter to do?

Why does Cole cry himself to sleep?

Winter starts approaching and Cole eventually has to give up his morning soaks in the pond and carrying the ancestor rock because it becomes too darn cold. Being confined to the cabin gives Cole time to do his schoolwork, but it also makes him feel his loneliness more acutely; sometimes he cries himself to sleep.

Why did Cole attack the bear?

As Chapter 8 opens, Cole has made the decision to attack the Spirit Bear because it did not show fear. Cole believes that everything and everyone must fear him. His attack on the bear goes horribly wrong as the bear defends itself and then continues to brutally savage Cole until he is crying out for the attack to stop.

What does Cole do to try to sustain himself?

He looks out and sees that two of the sparrows from the tree have died. Cole makes the firm decision to live at this point, and attempts to try to feed himself with the grass around him. He also resorts to eating worms from the ground for sustenance.

Who has Cole forgiven by the end of the dance of anger?

Ch. 22 – 24 TSB Study Guide

Question Answer
4. What does Cole talk to as if it’s a person during his dance of anger? A tree
5. Who has Cole forgiven by the end of the dance of anger? Himself, Dad
6. Why hasn’t Cole been able to carve anything in the empty space? Must help Peter first

What dance does Cole finally do?

eagle dance

What does Cole see after allowing his mind clear?

What does Cole see after allowing his mind to clear and letting himself become one with nature? After letting his mind clear, he saw the Spirit Bear once again. Cole decides that he can now do the anger dance. When he is doing it, he screams, “Please forgive me!

What does Cole realize about his father?

What realization does Cole have regarding his father? Cole realizes that the only reason he treats him the way he does is because his father is scared and doesn’t know any better (168).

What did Cole dream about when he finally lost consciousness?

The Presence He loses consciousness and dreams that he is being kept warm by the at. oow. He dreams that this imaginary blanket is protecting him from the ruthlessness of the storm. He wakes up in the middle of the night with a flash of lightning and loud thunder.

What does Cole feel as he touches the spirit bear?

Cole also realizes that he can’t redo his past; this moment is all he has. He senses that he’s starting to slip away, and though he’s sad to die, he feels content to pass away having trusted the Spirit Bear and having the bear trust him. Cole puts his head down and feels like he’s floating.

What makes Cole explode during the circle meeting?

Cole thinks back to one of the Hearing Circle meetings when his father said that he and Cole’s mother have devoted their whole lives to their son, but that Cole’s just a bad egg. That’s when Cole explodes and yells that if his father were such a devoted parent, he wouldn’t be a drunk who whips his kid for no reason.

Why did Cole spit at the Spirit Bear?

Why does Cole spit at the bear? to show the bear he is ready to die.

Why does Cole think his dad does bad things to him?

Because he’s grown up with alcoholic parents and a father who beats him regularly, Cole is angry and thinks that violence is the only way to solve problems. As Cole kept screaming, his dad kept hitting him. That night was the only time Cole’s mother ever said anything in his defense.

Who did Cole beat up in Touching Spirit Bear?

peter driscal

What does Garvey leave with Cole?

What does Garvey leave with Cole & what must Cole do with it? At. oow – a blanket handed down through the generations in his family. Cole must take care of it, and hand it down to someone he trusts in the future (19).

What are the final two circles Cole will be expected to attend?

What are the final two circles Cole will be expected to attend? Circle Justice involves many meetings. Each includes the word circle: Circle of Understanding, Healing Circle, Talking Circle, etc. When Cole asks, “Is everything always a circle?” What is Garvey’s response?

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