Who played the big Santa in Deck the Halls?

Who played the big Santa in Deck the Halls?


Actor(s)/actress(es) Character(s)
David Stuart Oblivious Da
Quinn Lord Kid with Santa
Nathaniel DeVeaux Main St. Passerby
Fulvio Cecere Town Passerby

What movie is Matthew Broderick watching in Deck the Halls?

There are so many great holiday movies on Netflix, but unfortunately, Deck the Halls is not one of them. However, you can see several of the featured actors in other films on the streaming platform. For instance, You can watch Matthew Broderick in The Producers, WarGames, and Glory.

What town is Deck the Halls based in?


How much money does Buddy Hall win?

In the 2006 comedy Deck the Halls, how much money does Buddy Hall (Danny DeVito’s character) win by selling a car-lot owner one of his own cars? Buddy wins $3,000.00.

Are the lights in Deck the Halls real?

Danny DeVito’s house used LED lights to provide remarkable displays not possible with traditional Christmas lights. Otherwise, the lighting could only be done by special effect computers. The lights, from Boston-based Color Kinetics, formed a “digital skin” around DeVito’s house, acting like pixels on a TV screen.

Which department store has the item in its window that Ralphie wants?

What’s in a Window? Higbee’s Department Store: Ralphie Parker and his friends jostle in wonderment at the Higbee’s holiday window display.

What brand of soap does Ralphie hate?

Ralphie’s Old Man winning the “Major Award” of a garish lamp in the shape of a woman’s leg. Ralphie blurts out the Queen Mother of swear words and gets his mouth washed out with Lifebuoy soap.

Is a Christmas story based on a true story?

Jean Shepherd’s book “In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash”, which “A Christmas Story” is based on, is a collection of semi-autobiographical short stories that Shepherd wrote for “Playboy” magazine during the 1960s. The setting for the movie was based on Hammond, Indiana the home town of author Jean Sheperd.

Who is Ralphie’s brother in a Christmas story?

Ian Petrella

What is on flicks tongue in a Christmas story?

In the 1983 holiday classic “A Christmas Story,” his character, Flick, acted on a triple-dog dare, sticking his tongue to the school flagpole. Cold metal will rob the heat from your tongue, freezing your spit to the surface like superglue.

Who Terrorized Ralphie and his little brother?

Scut Farcus

Who played Grover Dill?

Yano AnayaA Christmas Story

Who narrates the Christmas story?

Jean Shepherd

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