Who said do it right the first time?

Who said do it right the first time?

Philip Bayard Crosby

Do it right the first time and every time is said by?

Quality is achieved by doing the right thing right the first (and every) time. In this definition, “the right thing” is the customer’s requirement. The organizational performance standard for providing work is do the right thing (meet the customer’s requirement) right the first time.

Why do we never have time to do it right but always have time to do it over?

“ There is never time to do it right, but always time to do it over.” This law is almost guaranteed to show up when a development team is faced with critical deadlines and just have to get the product shipped no matter what. Which puts into play Murphy’s Law of Thermodynamics: “Things get worse under pressure.”

Do the right things right the first time every time meaning?

Do It Right The First Time (DRIFT) is a managerial accounting technique or practice that centers around decreasing waste and increasing efficiency in the production process. Do It Right The First Time can help businesses reduce production delays and boost efficiency.

How do you implement the right first time?

DMAIC – 5 steps to making FTR work

  1. Define the problem with the process.
  2. Measure the problem’s magnitude.
  3. Analyse the root cause of the problem.
  4. Improve the inefficient process by eliminating the root cause and implementing process changes.
  5. Control.

Do it right the first time examples?

This concept, known as first time right, involves making sure that all activities are carried out in the right manner the first time and every time. Examples include a customer not needing to repeat their order at a take out restaurant and a bank executive handing the customer the correct form the first time.

What does right first time mean?

if something is done right first time, it is done perfectly every time, and no time and money is wasted correcting errors caused by doing it too fast or without controlling quality..

What is the meaning of right time?

(This is the) right time (to invest): (This is) a good moment, the right opportunity, a wise moment (to invest)

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