Who says I have nothing but contempt for the kind of governor who is afraid to follow the course he knows is best for the state and as for the man who sets?
Who is referred to in the following so lately this last flower of Oedipus line drank the sunlight but now a passionate word and a handful of dust have closed up all its beauty?
The last flower is used as a metaphor for Antigone. The meaning behind it is that she is the last in line of Oedipus’ family and she is going to be killed. CREON.
Who says the following it is my nature to join in love not hate?
How does Creon show his loyalty to Oedipus?
In Oedipus the King, Creon embodies the voice of reason. As Oedipus storms, Creon maintains his calm; when Oedipus cries out to be banished, Creon protects him with gentle firmness. By the end of the tragedy, Creon proves himself sensible and responsible, a good leader for the now kingless Thebes.
What does Creon say makes a good leader?
Being a good leader means that someone is humble, thoughtful and unselfish. Creon who only thinks of himself, not the good of the people, causes him to lose many dear family members. And he doesn ‘t like to be wrong or to be told that he is wrong.
What is Creon tragic flaw?
In “Antigone” the tragic hero is Creon. He suffers because of his flaw: pride. He cannot imagine that anyone else can be right. He is too inflexible and narrow in outlook to heed criticism or admit a mistake.
How does Creon defend himself against Oedipus’s accusations?
Oedipus accuses Creon of conspiracy because he betrayed him. How does Creon defend himself against Oedipus’s accusation? Creon defends himself against Oedipus’s accusation by saying that Oedipus is not being wise by being stubborn and forgetting common sense.
Why does Creon become angry with Oedipus?
why does Oedipus grow angry with Creon? He thinks Creon and Tiresias are plotting to get rid of him. Oedipus will realize he is the murderer, lose his eyesight, have no joy, lose all of his money, be exiled, and discover his odd relations with Jocasta and Laius.
Why does Oedipus hate Creon?
When Oedipus summons Tiresias to tell him what is plaguing the city and Tiresias tells him that he is the problem, Oedipus accuses Creon of conspiring against him. Creon argues that he does not want to rule and would, therefore, have no incentive to overthrow Oedipus.
What happened to Creon at the end of the play?
Creon survives at the end of the play, retaining rulership of Thebes, gaining in wisdom as he mourns the death of his wife and son. Haemon, Creon’s son, commits suicide after Antigone’s death. Eurydice, Creon’s wife, commits suicide after hearing of the death of her son Haemon.
Why does Creon say he doesn’t want to be king?
Creon explains that he doesn’t want to be the king because it brings a lot more problems and stress to him. As the brother-in-law of the king, he already has access to the power and favor that Oedipus had. People come to him for favors, and he has lots of influence over the country and its people.
Why does Creon claim he has no interest in being king?
Creon is saying that he has no ambitions of becoming ruler. He has everything he wants. This rings true, because when Laius was killed, Creon could have had the throne—in fact, that was what Laius wanted. Instead, he offered it to anyone who could free Thebes from the Sphinx by solving its riddle.
Who does Creon let the blind Oedipus speak to at the end?
Oedipus asks Creon to bury Jocasta, and to let him touch his two daughters, Antigone and Ismene.
What qualities does Creon profess to value in a leader?
The quality that Creon values is complete and utter control. He believes that a leader should do what is best for his people and personal relationships should not affects their decisions, but goes against this by behaving in a way that is like a dictator, abusing his power and using against the people of Thebes.