Who turns Megatron into Galvatron?

Who turns Megatron into Galvatron?


How does Megatron become Galvatron?

Galvatron was once Megatron, but was reborn from his death throes in a Faustian pact with Unicron. He retains the memories and spark of Megatron, but his personality was significantly altered after the near-death experience, massive physical upgrade, and reprogramming. And all that was before he went insane.

Who is galvatron in Age of Extinction?

Frank Welker

What did the original Megatron transform into?

The original Megatron could transform into three types of guns: a Walther P38 handgun, a particle-beam weapon, and a telescopic laser cannon.

Who are the 12 primes?

Known members:

  • Sentinel Prime.
  • Alchemist Prime.
  • Quintus Prime.
  • Alpha Trion.
  • Amalgamous Prime.
  • Solus Prime.
  • Prima.
  • Megatronus.

Who killed Solus Prime?


Who is the most powerful transformer ever?

The Most Powerful Transformers Ranked

  • Bruticus.
  • Trypticon.
  • Metroplex.
  • Omega Supreme.
  • Vector Prime.
  • Galvatron.
  • Unicron.
  • Primus. Brother to Unicron and the only being in the universe who can stand up to him, Primus is the stand-in for God in the Transformers universe.

Who is the biggest transformer?

7 Biggest Transformers In Existence

  • Majin Zarak – 200 meters. Majin Zarak is a killer monster robot with a massive body.
  • Broadside (Carrier Mode) – 365 meters.
  • Metroplex – 800 meters.
  • Omega Supreme – 805 meters.
  • Fortress Maximus – 3 kilometers.
  • Metrotitan – 3,2 kilometers.
  • Unicron – 140.000 kilometers.

Who is stronger Megatron or Galvatron?

Megatron manages only 8.75. Thus giving the edge in combat to Galvatron. Megatron has a slightly higher intelligence rating (10 vs 9 for Galvatron), so presumably, if he sets traps and plans for the encounter, he can win. Megatron also has the edge on firepower (again 10 vs 9 for Galvatron).

Why did Galvatron go insane?

Also, is Galvatron aware that he is Megatron? When Rodimus Prime threw Galvatron into space, he landed on the planet Thrull. He ended up submerged in a lava pit, and either due to compounds present or just due to how long he was submerged, it corrupted whatever mechanism in his brain kept him sane.

Why is Megatron so weak?

Obviously megatron was weaker, he got pwned at the end of rotf and had half his head missing! Even starscream said he looked weak if you remember correctly. Megs was a broken down shell of a con in DOTM, hence why Prime owned him so hard.

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