Who was Cathy Kuhlmeier?

Who was Cathy Kuhlmeier?

Cathy Kuhlmeier, Leslie Smart, and Leanne Tippett, juniors at Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis, Missouri, helped write and edit the school paper, the Spectrum, as part of a journalism class. An issue of the paper was to include articles about the impact of divorce on students and teen pregnancy.

Under which court case do school administrators have the right to censor if there is reasonable justification?

In Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, the high court ruled that school officials can censor school-sponsored publications if their decision is “reasonably related to a legitimate pedagogical purpose.” This means school officials must show that they have a reasonable educational reason for censoring the material.

What did the court decide in the case of Hazelwood vs kuhlmeier?

In a 5-3 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the principal’s actions did not violate the students’ free speech rights.

Is a public school a public forum?

The public forum goes to school. The property of a school, including student publications created as part of school-sponsored activities, is not a traditional public forum. The Supreme Court first applied the “forum” concept to student speech in the case Hazelwood School District v.

What case stated that student publications can be censored including internet ones?

Kuhlmeier (1988) In Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988), the Supreme Court held that schools may restrict what is published in student newspapers if the papers have not been established as public forums.

Why the 1st Amendment is important?

The First Amendment is one of the most important amendments for the protection of democracy. Freedom of religion allows people to believe and practice whatever religion they want. Freedom of speech and press allows people to voice their opinions publicly and to publish them without the government stopping them.

What is a violation of the 1st Amendment?

Categories of speech that are given lesser or no protection by the First Amendment (and therefore may be restricted) include obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, and commercial …

What was the most famous court case involving religious freedom?

Engel v. Vitale

When was the 1st Amendment violated?


What did the party claiming religious freedom argue?

The party claiming religious freedom argued that the constitution guarantees religious freedom to everyone. Although they respect America and its flag it would be going against this right to force Jehovah’s witnesses to recite the pledge.

What is a real life example of the First Amendment?

Free Exercise of Religion Clause One example is Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158 (1944). In this case, the Supreme Court held that states could force inoculation of children, even if it contradicted religious beliefs.

Is God mentioned in the US Constitution?

In the United States, the federal constitution does not make a reference to God as such, although it uses the formula “the year of our Lord” in Article VII.

What does the 1st Amendment actually say?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What is the most important amendment?

The 13th Amendment is perhaps the most important amendment in American history. Ratified in 1865, it was the first of three “Reconstruction amendments” that were adopted immediately following the Civil War.

Does the Second Amendment protect the first?

Our right to free speech, to assemble, for a free press and freedom of religion found in the First Amendment are completely dependent on the Second Amendment. Weakening the Second Amendment concurrently weakens the first.

What are the 3 most important amendments?

Terms in this set (10)

  • 1st Amendment. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition.
  • 5th Amendment. No capital crime except when charges by grand jury; no double jeopardy; no witness against self.
  • 6th Amendment.
  • 13th Amendment.
  • 15th Amendment.
  • 18th Amendment.
  • 19th Amendment.
  • 21st Amendment.

Which of the 10 amendments is the most important?

YouGov’s latest research shows that 41% of Americans say that the First Amendment, summarized as the Amendment which guarantees ‘religious freedom and the right to free speech, assembly’ is the most important Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

What is the least important bill of rights?

The Tenth Amendment, like the Third and Ninth Amendments, is one of the least cited amendments of the Bill of Rights. It states that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” (US Const.

Which 2 amendments are the most important?

In order to understand government and law, in the United States, one must understand the constitution, but if there are two provisions in the constitution which are of supreme importance, it is the Fifth and Tenth Amendments. These amendments codify maximum freedom and minimal government intervention.

Can you change the first 10 amendments?

Including the first 10 amendments, the Bill of Rights, which were ratified in 1789, the Senate historian estimates that approximately 11,699 amendment changes have been proposed in Congress through 2016. It is up to the states to approve a new amendment, with three-quarters of the states voting to ratifying it.

What was the first 10 amendments?

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion. It sets rules for due process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States.

Can a amendment be changed?

Any existing constitutional amendment can be repealed but only by the ratification of another amendment. Because repealing amendments must be proposed and ratified by one of the same two methods of regular amendments, they are very rare.

What is the first 10 amendments called?

the Bill of Rights

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