Who was originally supposed to play Han Solo?

Who was originally supposed to play Han Solo?

10 Solo: Kurt Russell Action star Kurt Russell was already a veteran actor when he auditioned for both Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. Russell started early, becoming one of the Walt Disney Company’s most cast performers when he was just a teenager.

Who else was considered to play Luke Skywalker?

When George Lucas started casting Star Wars in 1976, The Greatest American Hero star, William Katt, was considered a likely lead for the film. Kurt Russell was also in the hunt for a lead role in the film. Russell was up for not one but two Star Wars roles. He read for Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.

Why didnt Harrison Ford play Han Solo?

“He didn’t want the character to have a lame, pointless ending. And so he pitched to George Lucas repeatedly that Han should die heroically during Return of the Jedi. He wanted (to progress from) the guy who was out only for himself, to someone who would die to save his friends and the rebellion.

Was Al Pacino offered the role of Han Solo?

Al Pacino passed on the role of Han Solo The actor made the role his own, bringing one of the most iconic characters in all of pop culture to life. Before Ford had the chance to accept, however, the part of Han Solo was offered first to Al Pacino — a casting choice that would have completely changed Star Wars.

Why did Pacino turn down Starwars?

Al Pacino. In 2013, the Oscar winner told how “Star Wars was mine for the taking” – only, he didn’t understand the script. A year later, at the 2014 Toronto Film Festival, he told MTV that the chance to play the scruffy-looking nerf-herder Han Solo following his role as crime boss Michael Corleone in The Godfather.

Why did Hans Solo have to die?

According to Ford, the importance of Han in the galaxy/rebellion and his connection to so many characters is why it made sense. He said, “his sacrifice for the other characters would lend gravitas and emotional weight.”

Who killed Hans Solo?

Kylo threw his mask to the ground and began to hand over his lightsaber. But in the process of handing over his lightsaber, he activated it and plunged the lightsaber through his father’s chest, killing him. Han touched his son’s face one last time before his body fell into the depths of Starkiller Base.

Is Hans Solo dead?

Han Solo died back in The Force Awakens, with his son Ben Solo murdering him in an attempt to cement himself as Kylo Ren. It seemed like we’d seen the last of Harrison Ford’s signature Star Wars character, but The Rise of Skywalker surprised us with a dream/vision of Han with Ben.

What happened to Ben solo at the end of rise of Skywalker?

When Solo finally rescinded his commitment to the dark side — following a heart-wrenching scene that featured a surprise Han Solo cameo — and traveled to Exegol to help the heroine defeat Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) for the final time, he ultimately sacrificed himself to save Rey’s life.

Is Finn Mace Windu’s son?

Finn is not only Lando Calrissian’s son but Mace Windu’s grandson. Mace Windu could have had a child several years before the Clone Wars, then hiding him (Lando) on Cloud City to keep Lando safe as Mace knew that the Sith were nearby and building strength.

Why is KYLO Ren not a Darth?

Unlike the Sith Lords he worshipped, Star Wars’ Kylo Ren never received the “Darth” title. Palpatine, though he influenced Kylo Ren’s development through Snoke, never formally trained Kylo. Rather, he belonged to a very different group that followed the teachings of the Dark Side of the Force: the Knights of Ren.

Why did Rey and KYLO Ren kiss?

Talking with fans after a screening of The Rise of Skywalker at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Abrams said of the romantic kiss, “There is as much of a brother-sister thing between Rey and Kylo Ren as there is a romantic thing.” The Rise of Skywalker novelization even tries to downplay the kiss.

Does Rey love Ben solo?

Rey is the love of Ben Solo’s life. Initially unknown to Ben, Rey forms a dyad in the Force with him, being them actually one in the Force but born as two physically separated individuals. Thus, despite not being related by blood, Rey is Ben’s other half, making her his “soulmate” or “twin of the Force”.

Is Finn in love with Rey?

The two characters are not romantically involved in “The Force Awakens” movie, but Foster said Abrams’ screenplay was “obviously the beginnings of a relationship” between Finn and Rey.

Why did Ben die after saving Rey?

Reddit user IGotADashCam theorizes that Ben/Kylo didn’t save Rey at all. Instead, it was Leia working through her son – that’s why he disappears so quickly after healing Rey.

Why were Rey and KYLO a dyad?

Your father was the son of the Emperor. What Palpatine doesn’t know is we’re a dyad in the Force, Rey. Two that are one.” Simply put, Kylo Ren and Rey are the long-prophesied Force dyad and the dynamic between them reflects that significant bond.

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