Who was Stalin in Russian revolution?

Who was Stalin in Russian revolution?

Joseph Stalin
Rank Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943)
Commands Southern Front (1918–1920) (commissar) Southwestern Front (1920) (commissar) Soviet Armed Forces (1941–1953) (Supreme Commander)
Battles/wars Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War Polish-Soviet War Winter War World War II Korean War

What was the Red Army in Russia?

The Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, frequently shortened to Red Army, was the army and air force of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and, after 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The army was established immediately after the 1917 October Revolution.

What was Russia’s economy like before the revolution?

Its capitalist based economy was reshaped to centrally-planned economic system. Recent studies rest upon the shared assumption that the effect of adverse social, geographical, political or historical conditions persisted over that time, keeping pre- revolution Russian economy behind and stimulating workers to fight.

What was wrong with Russia before 1917?

Along with the agricultural failures, Russia had a rapid population growth, railroads expanded across farmland, and inflation attacked the price of commodities. Restrictions were placed on the distribution of food and ultimately lead to famines.

How did the Russian Revolution affect Russia’s economy?

With the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 Russia’s part in that war came to an end. A civil war soon began, that continued with varying intensity until 1920. It was followed immediately by a famine in 1921. The economy suffered economic disintegration, isolation, and famine.

Did war and revolution destroyed the Russian economy?

The political turmoil that followed the February Revolution had compounded the economy’s already serious problems. There was a precipitous collapse in labour productivity, output slumped, and the urban food and fuel shortages became acute. The result for the Soviet economy was War Communism.

What were the impacts of the Russian Revolution on Russia?

(i) The Russian Revolution put an end to the autocratic Tsarist rule in Russia. It abolished the Romanov dynasty. (ii) It led to the establishment of world’s first communist/socialist government. (iii) The new Soviet Government announced its with drawl from the First World War.

What happened as a result of the Russian revolution?

The result of the Russian Revolution was the establishment of the Soviet Union, the world’s first communist state.

What effect did the Russian Revolution have on the war?

The Russian Revolution had the effect of putting an end to the major arena of fighting on the Eastern Front in World War I. It temporarily helped the Germans by freeing up troops, but this advantage did not do the Germans much good.

Which event was a direct result of the Russian Revolution quizlet?

Under Lenin’s leadership, the Bolsheviks seized power in November 1917 during the Russian Revolution. In 1917 in Russia it was the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Its immediate result was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, the collapse of Imperial Russia and the end of the Romanov dynasty.

How did the Russian Revolution Impact World War I?

The Russian Revolution took place in 1917, during the final phase of World War I. It removed Russia from the war and brought about the transformation of the Russian Empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), replacing Russia’s traditional monarchy with the world’s first Communist state.

Did WWI cause the Russian Revolution?

World War I led to the Russian Revolution. This is because the situation that the war created in Russia indicated that a revolution was almost inevitable. Advances made by the Central Powers and a shortage of weapons were the leading reasons why Russia had to withdraw from the war.

What was the end result of the Russian Revolution quizlet?

To end the revolution, Nicholas II agreed to create a Duma and to make reforms for the people. Part one of the Russian Revolution; it began with the abdication of Nicholas II; As a result, the Duma created a provisional government under the leadership of Alexander Kerensky (aka February Revolution).

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