Who was the first pitcher to throw a no hitter?

Who was the first pitcher to throw a no hitter?

The first no-hitter officially recognized by MLB was pitched by George Bradley on July 15, 1876, during the first season of play in the National League. The most recent major league no-hitter was a combined one thrown by Zach Davies, Ryan Tepera, Andrew Chafin, and Craig Kimbrel of the Chicago Cubs on June 24, 2021.

Has any pitcher thrown a no hitter and lost?

On April 23, 1964, Ken Johnson of the Houston Colt . 45s became the first pitcher to throw a nine-inning no-hitter and lose. In fact, he is still the only individual to throw an official (nine-inning) no-hitter and lose.

Has anyone thrown a no hitter in their debut?

Charles Leander “Bumpus” Jones (January 1, 1870 – June 25, 1938) was a right-handed starting pitcher in Major League Baseball who played for the Cincinnati Reds and New York Giants. He remains the only player in Major League history to pitch a no-hitter in his first game. Only Bobo Holloman of the St.

Who has thrown the most no-hitters in MLB history?

Nolan Ryan

How fast did Sandy Koufax throw a baseball?


What’s the fastest pitch ever thrown in the major leagues?

As a result, Aroldis Chapman is credited with throwing the fastest pitch in MLB history. On Sept. 24, 2010, Chapman made MLB history. Then a rookie relief pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds, the fireballer unleashed a fastball clocked at 105.1 mph by PITCH/fx.

What happens if you swing at a pitch that hits you?

A hit-by-pitch occurs when a batter is struck by a pitched ball without swinging at it. He is awarded first base as a result. Strikes supersede hit-by-pitches, meaning if the umpire rules that the pitch was in the strike zone or that the batter swung, the HBP is nullified.

Is a batted ball that hits home plate Fair or foul?

If a batted ball hits the plate first it’s a foul ball. Approved Ruling: Home plate, first, second, and third base are all completely within fair territory. The foul lines are also within fair territory. In order to rule the ball foul, it must have come to rest in foul territory or be touched in foul territory.

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