Who were the Abbasids and Umayyad dynasties?
The Umayyads had been based in Syria and were influenced by its Byzantine architecture and administration. In contrast, the Abbasids moved the capital to Baghdad in 762 and, although the leaders were Arab, administrators and cultural influence were primarily Persian.
Which achievements are most closely associated with the golden age?
During this period, cultural, economic and scientific knowledge flourished. Many scholars from all over the Islamic world studied in Baghdad, which became a center of knowledge and scholarship. Advanced medical books were written, and algebra was developed. Greek and Roman knowledge was translated and preserved.
Why did the Abbasids take over the Umayyads?
Non-Arabs were treated as second-class citizens regardless of whether or not they converted to Islam, and this discontent cutting across faiths and ethnicities ultimately led to the Umayyads’ overthrow. The Abbasid family claimed to have descended from al-Abbas, an uncle of the Prophet.
Why did the Abbasid caliphate decline?
The ‘Abbasid caliphate in the fourth/tenth century suffered from a sharp economic decline. This was the result of several factors, mainly civil wars, the Zanj and Qarmatian revolts, political interference by the Turkish and Daylamite soldiers, military iqt\a>’ and the activity of the ‘ayya>ru>n.
Are Kashmiris mixed?
The Kashmiri population is an ethno-linguistic group that resides in the Kashmir Valley in northern India. A longstanding hypothesis is that this population derives ancestry from Jewish and/or Greek sources. There is historical and archaeological evidence of ancient Greek presence in India and Kashmir.
Is Income Tax Act applicable in J&K?
“The Income Tax Act, 1961, is one of the laws that was applicable to the whole of India including Jammu & Kashmir. The equalisation levy was introduced in June 2016, but not through an amendment in the Income Tax Act despite being a form of direct tax. It came into effect through a chapter in the Finance Bill, 2016.