Who wrote their PhD thesis in the shortest amount of time?

Who wrote their PhD thesis in the shortest amount of time?

Continuing the trend, Tulsi completed a doctoral degree at 21 from Physics department, IISc. He has also applied for the “Youngest Doctorate (PhD) of India” and “Shortest PhD thesis” in the Limca Book Of Records. Wolfgang J. Paul, in Computer Science.

Can I do my PhD Online?

There are plenty of reputable, regionally accredited institutions taking their doctorates online. They are an easy way to earn a doctorate. While the program may require less face-time or physical presence on a campus, accredited programs are by no means a shortcut to earn your degree.

Can you teach with an online PhD?

When you earn a doctorate or Ph. D. in online teaching, you’ll be qualified to teach both online and in-person at the highest levels. You’ll also be prepared to work in school administrations, do education research, and much more.

How much do online PhD programs cost?

Cost-wise, online PhD programs are significantly less expensive than conventional on-campus programs. Typically, a program is estimated to cost a minimum of $4,000 to up to $20,000 a year, which includes tuition, book expenses, online registration, and coaching.

Which country offers free PhD?

Then you’ll be pleased to learn there are a number of countries where PhD tuition is both free and world-leading. As many students now choose to do, you could opt to pursue your studies free of charge, or relatively inexpensively, in Germany, France, Finland, Sweden or Norway at world-class establishments.

Do employers care about Masters GPA?

Grad school admissions offices or employers consider your GPA as the most important factor in getting accepted, unless you can prove to them otherwise (internships, work experience etc.) Once you finish graduate school, no one cares what your GPA was. Either you made it or you didn’t.

Can I get a job with a 3.0 GPA?

A: Some elite employers have policies requiring a certain GPA (usually a 3.0 or higher), and there is generally no way around that rule. To get a job with one of the gazillions of other employers in the world, a low GPA is a completely surmountable challenge. Good grades imply that you are smart, serious and motivated.

Do jobs care about your GPA?

Employers care most about your GPA when you are applying for your first job out of school, whether you are a recent college graduate or a recent high school graduate who is directly entering the job market.

Are B’s bad in graduate school?

Within the context of graduate school, a B is considered below average in comparison with your classmates. In most cases, a B- is unsatisfactory and a C is non-passing grade equivalent to a failing grade, where the student must repeat the course and earn a B- or B or higher in order to graduate.

Is a 3.6 GPA good in grad school?

Yes. You would get into many schools with a 3.7 GPA. Usually, most schools will require a minimum of 3.0 GPA to get into their grad school program.

Is a 3.3 GPA good for graduate school?

Because a 3.3 GPA is on the cusp of a B+ average, it is indicative of good performance in all classes with a consistently positive record on tests and homework assignments. With this in mind, a 3.3 GPA makes your application competitive at a majority of schools.

Is a 3.25 GPA good?

While a 3.2 is a decent GPA, it’s not significantly higher than average and will put some limits on your college search and application process. More selective schools will probably be out of reach with this GPA, but you will still have plenty of options.

Is a 3.2 GPA good for grad school?

A 3.2 with some work experience and a solid GRE should suffice. A 3.2 student with a good statement of purpose essay, above average test scores(GRE,GMAT,LSAT,etc.), and work/internship experience is just as good (if not better) than a 3.8+ student who solely had his/her head deep in the books without any experience.

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