
Why agriculture is important in the Philippines?

Why agriculture is important in the Philippines?

Agriculture plays a significant role in the Philippine economy. Involving about 40 percent of Filipino workers, it contributes an average of 20 percent to the Gross Domestic Product. The neglect of the agriculture sector and the uneven distribution of resources worsened the poverty situation in rural areas.

What can you say about the agriculture in the Philippines?

The Philippines is still primarily an agricultural country despite the plan to make it an industrialized economy by 2000. The country’s main agricultural crops are rice, corn, coconut, sugarcane, bananas, pineapple, coffee, mangoes, tobacco, and abaca (a banana-like plant).

What is Philippine agriculture?

Agriculture in the Philippines is one, if not the essential industry in the country. It consists of forestry, crop production, livestock farming, and aquaculture cultivation. Growing crops for food consumption and fiber have been a lifelong activity in the Philippines.

What are the main problems of agriculture in the Philippines?

Climate change is also an important challenge as its adverse impacts such as increased flooding incidence, drought, soil degradation, water shortages and increased pests and diseases constantly threaten agricultural output and productivity.

What is the main problem of agriculture?

Thus the size of agricultural holding is quite uneconomic, small and fragmented. There is continuous sub-division and fragmentation of agricultural land due to increasing pressure of population and breakdown of the joint family system and also due to forced selling of land for meeting debt repayment obligations.

Is agriculture the backbone of the Philippine economy?

Agriculture has been the traditional backbone of the Philippine economy. It is a principal source of income and employment, employing almost half of the total labor force. It is thus considered a major industry in the Philippines.

Why Agriculture called the backbone of our country?

(i) Agriculture is the mainstay of Indian economy because about 60% of our population depends directly or indirectly on agriculture. (ii) It provides raw materials to the industries. (iii) India earns foreign exchange by exporting agricultural products.

What is the benefits of agriculture?

Agriculture possesses the power to harm or heal. When farmers prioritize biodiversity on their land, it benefits the earth. Having more biodiversity results in healthier soil, less erosion, better water conservation, and healthier pollinators.

What is agriculture and its importance?

Agriculture plays an essential role in sustaining and driving the economy. It’s the backbone of everything that drives us. In addition to providing food and other raw materials, it also provides employment opportunities. Safe to say the importance of agriculture cannot be overstated.

What are advantages and disadvantages of Agriculture?

Advantage: Controllable food supply. You might have droughts or floods, but if you’re growing the crops and breeding them to be hardier, you have a better chance of not starving. Disadvantage: In order to keep feeding people as the population grows you have to radically change the environment of the planet.

How do farmers help the community?

Local farms help keep food dollars in the local economy and support small businesses, farmers, and entrepreneurs. Community farms can serve as platforms for products and services that grow from the farm, such as value-added food products, garden education and management services, programs and events on the farm.

How does agriculture affect the community?

Agricultural practices have significant health implications. Agricultural contaminants, including pesticides, nitrates, and phosphorus, impact ground and surface water quality, affecting both urban and rural communities. Synthetic fertilizers deplete soil health and require intensive use of fossil fuels to produce.

How are farmers affected by the nation’s economic growth?

How were farmers affected by the nation’s economic growth? Outside of the economic boom, they suffered from growing debt and falling farm prices.

What jobs are related to agriculture?

Jump to Careers in Agriculture and Forestry

  • Agricultural Engineer.
  • Agricultural Food Scientist.
  • Agricultural Inspector.
  • Agricultural Manager.
  • Agricultural Specialist.
  • Agronomist.
  • Aquatic Ecologist.
  • Arborist.

Which field is best in agriculture?

Some of the highest paying agriculture jobs are:

  • Biochemist. Average annual salary: INR 390,000.
  • Food Scientist. Average annual salary: INR 750,000.
  • Environmental Engineer. Average annual salary: INR 433,270.
  • Agricultural Lawyer.
  • Agricultural Operations Manager.
  • Animal Geneticist.
  • Agricultural Engineers.
  • Agronomy Sales Manager.
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