
Why are exotic pets bad?

Why are exotic pets bad?

Malnutrition, stress, trauma, and behavioral disorders are common in exotics kept as pets. Unfortunately, getting medical care is extremely difficult-and not just because it may be illegal to have them. For one, many exotic animals hide symptoms of illness.

Can lizards cry?

Many reptiles do cry, including crocodiles, but they do this because the flow of tears helps to clean out and protect their eyes, not because they are unhappy.

Do lizards hate onions?

Like garlics, lizards hate the pungent smell of onions as well. Hang them near doors or windows or place them in lizards’ hiding places.

Do Beardies like kisses?

Even though bearded dragons are very cute, never kiss one. This is an easy way to contract salmonella. Keep the bearded dragon away from your face, especially around the mouth and nose. Following good husbandry and housekeeping is an important process for your health and that of your pet bearded dragon!

How do I know if my beardie is happy?

You can definitely say that your bearded dragon is happy and likes you when it shows no signs of aggression, just affection. If your bearded dragon isn’t biting, bobbing its head, puffing up its beard when you approach or hissing at you, then it’s good.

Do Beardies like fans?

Most bearded dragons absolutely hate whirring ceiling fans above their heads. They perceive the motion as predators out there to attack them and it totally stresses them out.

Do Beardies like baths?

Most bearded dragons love a nice, warm bath every so often. Giving your bearded dragon consistent baths is also very important for proper hygiene.

Why does my bearded dragon stare at me?

Bearded dragons stare at their owners because they are curious and want to study objects that move. This is an instinctual behavior that helps them to understand the environment around them and keep them safe. Moreover, bearded dragons derive a lot of entertainment from observing people they encounter.

Do Beardies bite?

The short answer to this question is yes, bearded dragons do bite. In fact, many bearded dragon owners never get bitten at all (yet another reason why they’re such good pets). You’re far more likely to get intentionally scratched by a cat (because they’re demons) than bitten by a bearded dragon.

Can a bearded dragon kill you?

Bearded dragons are not poisonous to humans. They do secrete a venom used to paralyze small prey animals, but due to the minute amount produced, they cannot cause serious harm to people. A bite may cause temporary swelling, but biting is a rare occurrence from this generally docile creature.

Can bearded dragons attack you?

Generally, bearded dragons do not become aggressive. They do not attack even on being threatened. Instead of attacking, they just freeze, fluff their throat, and change color. Sometimes, they just prefer to run away.

What if my bearded dragon bites me?

No! Bearded dragons are not poisonous creatures and with such small teeth, there really is no need to worry about any potential dangers that come with being bitten. Now, they do naturally carry salmonella and this can be transmitted to humans BUT this is extremely rare.

Do Beardies like water?

Most bearded dragons love playing around in the water. It’s a great way for them to have some fun while also getting hydrated. A large plastic storage bin that is at least twice as long as your bearded dragon makes for a perfect swimming hole. A small kiddie pool works well, too.

Do Beardies like dogs?

Surprisingly, yes, dogs and Bearded Dragons can be friends! With a careful, slow and steady introduction Bearded Dragons and dogs can get on very well! Do this a few times and before long your dog will be used to your Beardie and may even be keen to see your lizard!

Does bearded dragons drink water?

Bearded dragons drink water as well but in captivity often need some help. Bearded dragons often won’t drink anything without being prompted, some may never drink on their own. Offering a bearded dragon a water bowl in its tank, is not enough to get it to drink.

Why does my bearded dragon closes his eyes when I pet him?

Bearded dragons close their eyes when they are petted because they feel discomfort. They clearly want to tell the owner to stop doing that, because it scares them or they just want to be left alone at the moment.

How often should you bathe your bearded dragon?

Generally, two to three baths a week is best. That said, you can also bathe your beardie more frequently if you wish. Daily baths are a bit overkill, but you can provide more baths if your dragon is particularly filthy.

Is bottled water safe for bearded dragons?

You can also use filtered bottled water in which the harmful chemicals have been filtered out to provide a safe option for hydrating your pet. Dragons are native to a dry climate and are well adapted to dry conditions, but conditions in captivity are different, and a clean source of water is necessary.

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