Why are there no jurors in 12 Angry Men?
A jury usually withheld names in order to remove any effects of names, castes etc into the process. Inside the jury room, the people are simply humans trying to impart justice. When two people swap names, it signifies a bond, especially if it is done after passing through an experience together.
How many jurors were there in 12 Angry Men?
Based on the play, all of the action takes place on the stage of the jury room. When a young Puerto Rican boy is on trial for the alleged murder of his father, 11 of the 12 jurors are quick to vote that he is guilty in an ostensibly straightforward case.
How many of the 12 jurors must vote guilty for a conviction?
Initially eleven of the twelve jurors vote guilty. Gradually, through heated discussion, the jurors are swayed to a not-guilty decision. Furthermore, why does eight say he voted not guilty? Juror 8.
How many jurors must vote not guilty?
The exact number varies under state and federal law. Generally, a criminal trial requires a minimum of 5 or 6 jurors. In most cases where capital punishment is a possibility, a statute will require a minimum of 12 jurors.
Why did The Last Juror vote not guilty?
He’s the last juror to vote not guilty. He’s angry because he lost his son. He wears glasses which reminds the old man juror about the woman’s testimony. He claim never to sweat, but does in the jury room when questioned by the dissenting juror.
Why did Juror 7 change his vote?
When Juror 7 switches his vote to “Not guilty” because he had enough, the immigrant Juror 11 gets mad and humiliates Juror 7, telling him that he has no right to play like this with the man’s life. Juror 7 is shown to be just as vile and malicious as the racist Juror 10.
What piece of evidence does Juror 4 bring up to show the boy is guilty?
‘ Juror Four is convinced of the defendant’s guilt in the moment that the police officer testifies that the boy’s alibi is seeing a movie, but he’s unable to remember the name of the movie or the actors who were in it while questioned in the apartment immediately following the murder of his father.
Why does Juror 5 get angry and take things personally?
Juror 5 Background Although he votes ‘guilty’ from the beginning, he passes when he is given the opportunity to explain why he thinks the defendant is guilty. Having grown up in the slums, he’s personally offended when Jurors Four and Ten make assumptions about people who live in certain neighborhoods.
Which juror condemns the defendant as one of them?
9th Juror
Who was the first to vote not guilty?
Juror #8