Why books is important in our life?

Why books is important in our life?

They play a significant role in Student’s life. Books help to inspire students to do hard work with courage and hope. They enrich the experience of students and sharpen their intellect. There are many benefits of Reading books; students will get more knowledge, improve memory and build more vocabulary.

What believe means?

1a : to accept something as true, genuine, or real ideals we believe in believes in ghosts. b : to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion : to regard the existence of God as a fact Do you believe? —

What can I say instead of believe?

What is another word for I believe?

presumably doubtless
I presume I suppose
credible hypothetically
I dare say I guess
indubitably I take it

What’s another word for believe in yourself?

What is another word for believing in oneself?

assertive confident
self-assured strong-willed
assured decided
demanding domineering
in-your-face self-confident

How do you express thinking?

‘I Think’ Synonyms List

  1. In my opinion.
  2. As far as I’m concerned – This phrase is often used in a more authoritative sense.
  3. I believe that…
  4. I am of the opinion that…
  5. It is my belief…
  6. It seems to me/It appears to me.
  7. To my way of thinking/In my way of thinking.
  8. I honestly think that/ I honestly believe that…

What’s another word for I think?

What is another word for I think?

personally I believe
I estimate I gather
I presume I suppose
I anticipate I fancy
I understand I assume

What is the opposite word of think?

Antonyms for think disregard, overlook, know, excogitate, hate, doubt, ignore, reject, misunderstand, leave, lose, fail, disbelieve, dislike, forget, neglect.

What is a good word for really?

What is another word for really?

certainly undoubtedly
surely truly
assuredly genuinely
honestly indeed
unquestionably verily

Is a bit colloquial words?

“A bit” is certainly colloquial.

What does a bit of time mean?

Filters. The duration of one pulse (one bit). For example, the bit time of Fast Ethernet is 10 nanoseconds (ns). See bit rate.

What does bit mean in texting?

BIT — Because It’s Time. BIT — Best in Tactics.

What does give me a bit mean?

1 also intr to present or deliver voluntarily (something that is one’s own) to the permanent possession of another or others.

How many is a few?

While many people would agree that “a few” means three or more, the actual dictionary definition of “a few” is, “not many but more than one.” So, “a few” cannot be one, but it can be as low as two.

What is a computer bit?

A bit is a binary digit, the smallest increment of data on a computer. A bit can hold only one of two values: 0 or 1, corresponding to the electrical values of off or on, respectively. Because bits are so small, you rarely work with information one bit at a time.

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