Why did Batman Die in The Dark Knight Rises?
– We are led to believe that Bruce Wayne/Batman dies when his uber-cool flying contraption ‘The Bat’ is piloted out over the ocean, where we see it explode along with Bane’s atomic bomb. We see that MASSIVE explosion.
How Joker reacts to Batman’s death?
In the Joker 80th Anniversary Special, DC revealed what Joker would do with his life if he ever actually killed Batman. Only Joker truly believes that he NEEDS Batman… He’s fixated on him, obsessed with him, and if he ever really DID kill him… He’d move on to some NEW fixation and obsession.
Who died during the filming of Batman?
Heath Ledger
Who is the main villain in The Dark Knight Rises?
villain Bane
Is Killer Croc in Dark Knight Rises?
Despite having a major role in the segment In Darkness Dwells, Killer Croc only appears on screen for 48 seconds. Killer Croc is referenced in The Dark Knight Rises when Blake states that his fellow officers asked him sarcastically if he saw ‘giant alligators’ in the sewers.
Is Joker in The Dark Knight Rises?
The Joker is not mentioned in The Dark Knight Rises, the 2012 sequel to The Dark Knight, out of respect for Ledger’s memory. The worst of the worst were sent here, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham’s sole remaining inmate.
How did Joker get his scars?
According to the Joker, his wife – who used to tell him he needed to “smile more” – got into trouble with gambling sharks who “carved her face”. And given this chaotic nature of his, it’s also fairly possible that he gave himself the scars simply because he could, and not because he had a wife with a disfigured face.
Did the Joker Die in Suicide Squad?
What Happened To Joker In 2016’s Suicide Squad? The good news was given by the director David Ayer to all the Joker fans, which state that he survived the helicopter crash! He is officially alive and maybe somewhere creating a mess, but he is out for Suicide Squad 2.
How much older is Joker than Batman?
The character of Arthur Fleck in Joker is approximately 35 years old. Which makes him around 25 years older than the young boy playing Bruce Wayne. Joaquin Phoenix was around 43 when they filmed the movie.
Is Alfred alive in Joker war?
He was however unable to found any proof that Joker had died and decided to rebury Alfred along with Bat-Family, as he had been killed in the explosion of the plant.
What if Joker killed Alfred?
Bruce wayne took the identity of batman after going through the deaths of his parents . If joker kills alfred , batman wouldn’t kill joker because he always sticks to his own rule of not killing. That’s what makes him different from criminals. He’ll capture joker and hand him over to the custody.
Is Alfred a villain?
In this funhouse mirror version of the Batman mythos, Alfred is ultimately responsible for the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne. If Alfred the seemingly loyal butler is, in fact, a nefarious villain, then another of the Dark Knight’s greatest adversaries is actually Alfred’s son and Bruce’s half-brother.
Is Alfred really a butler?
Alfred Pennyworth is the British butler and valet to the Wayne Family. He took up the role of legal guardian of Bruce Wayne, after the murders of Bruce’s parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha.
Did Alfred kill Batman’s parents?
Originally Answered: Did Alfred kill Batman’s parents? Yes and no. Prime Alfred felt guilty over suggesting that the Waynes take a family walk so he bears the responsibility of being responsible even though he would not know what tragedy would happen.