
Why did Brian from The Breakfast Club get detention?

Why did Brian from The Breakfast Club get detention?

He pauses to hide his face in his sleeve before revealing that he received detention because a flare gun went off in his locker because he was going to attempt suicide with it after failing his shop project. Claire later manipulates Brian into writing the paper for all of them.

Why was each character in detention in The Breakfast Club?

Brian Johnson is in detention for attempting suicide due to being ignored by everyone in his life. Allison Reynolds is in detention because she volunteered to go due to being bored with her life. And finally, John Bender is in detention for pulling a fire alarm and fighting with the school’s teachers and students.

Is Fiona actually Carl’s mom?

Fiona is not Carl Gallagher’s mother, although she did raise them for most of the series. When Shameless Season 1 began in 2011, Carl was nine years old, and Fiona was 21. So, the eldest Gallagher child was 12 years old when her sibling was born.

Why did they replace Liam on Shameless?

The switch of child actors from seasons 2 to 3 wasn’t because the original babies who played Liam were not great actors. The producers had to fast-forward Liam’s age for Shameless season 3, so they had to switch out the children who played his character.

Why is Liam on shameless black?

In the first season, Liam took a paternity test because no one believed that Frank could be the father of an African American child. It turned out that Liam was fully Frank and Monica’s biological kid and that he was Black because Nana Gallagher had had an affair with a Black saxophone player.

Is lip The father of Mandy’s baby?

In the episode Hurricane Monica, it is revealed that Mandy is pregnant. However, in the episode A Great Cause, Mandy tells Ian and Lip that she was impregnated by her father, who sometimes rapes Mandy when drunk. They decide to have a fundraiser to raise money for an abortion.

Who is older Carl or Debbie?

Lip makes it through semester one by the end of the season. So he’s 19, thus Fiona is 22, thus Carl is 10 years younger then Fiona and Debbie is 9 years younger then Fiona. Carl is thirteen when he goes to juvey, and Debbie arrives in high school, which puts her at fourteen.

Does Carl find out Frank used his sperm?

Carl and Frank proceeded to get into an argument over whether he was actually the father of the babies. Carl insisted that because he had no knowledge of what happened to his sperm after depositing into the cup, it wasn’t his responsibility. Carl’s girlfriend also returned for a surprise visit.

Does Ingrid have Carl’s baby?

In Sparky, Frank is about to leave the Gallagher House before Randy arrives with the babies to tell him that Ingrid left him and asks he takes the babies back. The two argue for a while until Frank reveals that the babies born from Ingrid are actually his son Carl’s children, something the arriving Carl overhears.

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