Why did Dave bite through the traces?
They are attacked by starving dogs from the neighboring Indian village because the dogs could smell the food they were carrying. He bites through Sol-leks traces, the dogs pull away without the sled, and Dave stands in his proper place. So they hook Dave back into the trace.
Why did the drivers consider it a mercy to let Dave die while pulling the sled?
François and Perrault believe that some dogs die of a broken heart if they are not allowed to perform the work they are used to doing. As Dave is likely to die anyway, they decide that it is a mercy to allow him to die while pulling the sled. They believe that this will allow him to die more content.
How does Dave feel to be taken out of the traces?
Dave resented being taken out, grunting and growling while the traces were unfastened, and whimpering brokenheartedly when he saw Sol-leks in the position he had held and served so long. For the pride of trace and trail was his, and sick, unto death, he could not bear that another dog should do his work.
What compels Dave to remains in the traces despite his failing strength?
What compels Dave to remain in the traces despite his failing strength? He was being beat when he stopped. Buck would bully him.
What is the significance of Dave’s death does it remind you of any other work you’ve read or of any event from your life?
Does it remind you of any other work you’ve read or of any event from your life? The significance of Dave’s death is that he was already sick and very tired so he could not eat or walk.No, it does not remind me of anything because I have not had anything really happen like that.
Who is Buck’s new owner in Chapter 4?
Buck’s new owner is a “Scotch half-breed” and is known only by that name; he is the driver of the mail team over the trail to Dawson. Once again, Buck and his mates set out on the weary and monotonous trail to Dawson.
How many dogs is Buck traveling with now how many did he have to fight before they realized he was stronger than all of them?
What was Buck and the team pulling now? The team was pulling mail in bulk. How many dogs are Buck and the team traveling with now, and how many did he have to fight before they realized he was stronger than all of them? There were 12 other dog teams including Buck and his mates for a total for a total of 108 dogs.
Why was Buck treated so poorly?
Buck was treated so poorly by all of these men, especially the man in the red sweater because they thought that he was trying to hurt them and also they wanted to train them for transportation in a cruel way because this is how they were going to be treated when it was cold.
What did buck constantly struggle with?
Buck constantly challenges Spitz’s authority and uses every chance he can to undermine Spitz’s authority. London writes that it was “inevitable that the fight for leadership should come.” Buck’s pride is such that he does not like to be subservient to any dog — most of all to Spitz.
How did buck save Thornton’s life?
Soon, Buck has earned a reputation throughout Alaska for loyalty and fercocity. Buck saves Thornton’s life again when Thornton is thrown out of a boat and gets caught in fierce rapids. Buck swims to the slick rock where Thornton clings for his life, and the other men attach a rope to Buck’s neck and shoulders.
How much did buck earn for John Thornton?
Buck earned sixteen hundred dollars in five minutes for John Thornton, he made it possible for his master to pay off certain debts and to journey with his partners into the East after a fabled lost mine, the history of which was as old as the history of the country.
What actually happened that started the fight between Buck and Spitz?
What actually happened that started the first fight between Buck and Spitz? When Spitz stole Buck’s cozy sleeping place, Buck attacked him. What took place in the middle of the first fight between Buck and Spitz that stopped it? Wild, starving huskies came and stole food and attacked the men and the dogs.
Was Buck a good lead dog?
Basically, Buck was an amazingly good lead dog after he killed Spitz and then forced the men to put him in as the lead dog. With Buck as lead dog, the team managed to make forty miles every day for a whole two weeks. This was impressive enough to make everyone in Skaguay make a big deal of Perrault and Francois.
What leadership qualities does Buck reveal in Chapter 4?
The men see that Buck is a good leader. He thinks quickly, punishes the other dogs when needed, and helps new dogs fit into the team.
What kind of leader is Buck from Call of the Wild?
Buck, “the dominant primordial beast” who had made his kill and found it good.” Buck exemplifies the survival of the fittest as his instincts and imagination have answered “the call of the wild” and conquered Spitz.
How is Buck as a leader?
A leader is someone who has compassion for others. Buck slowly gained their teammates’ loyalty because of his compassion for others. He gave his portion of food to the other dog, he saved his master from drowning and was willing to let a rabbit go after catching it. He made his followers feel safe around him.