Why did Eastern Orthodox start?

Why did Eastern Orthodox start?

The Orthodox tradition developed from the Christianity of the Eastern Roman Empire and was shaped by the pressures, politics and peoples of that geographical area. Since the Eastern capital of the Roman Empire was Byzantium, this style of Christianity is sometimes called ‘Byzantine Christianity’.

Who created the Orthodox Church?

Apostle Andrew

Why did the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches split?

The schism was the culmination of theological and political differences which had developed during the preceding centuries between Eastern and Western Christianity. A succession of ecclesiastical differences and theological disputes between the Greek East and Latin West preceded the formal split that occurred in 1054.

Do Russian Orthodox read the Bible?

Orthodox Christians read the Bible about as much as other Christians. What you find if you visit an Orthodox Church is that Scripture is sung (chanted) as well as read. Matins is the service before Liturgy (45min-1hr usually) that has a lot of Psalms plus the reading of an Epistle and Gospel Reading.

Do Orthodox Christians use the KJV?

No, the Greek Orthodox Bible contains several other books in the Old Testament which they believe are inspired and belong in the Bible, which Protestants do not. Many use as English translation the New King James Version, but they add others similar to the ones in the Catholic Bibles, and some add even more than those.

Is there a Greek Orthodox Bible?

The Eastern / Greek Orthodox Bible (EOB) is an English language edition of the Bible published and controlled by Greek Orthodox Christians with limited copyright control and within a collaborative framework.

Can Russian Orthodox drink alcohol?

The fasting rules of the Orthodox Church forbid the consumption of wine (and by extension, all alcoholic beverages) on most fast days throughout the year. The Orthodox celebrate St.

What language is spoken in Russian Orthodox Church?

Church Slavonic

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