Why did Ganga kill her seventh son?

Why did Ganga kill her seventh son?

They were cursed to be born as mortals. When ganga was cursed to be born as mortal they asked her to be her son. Ganga agreed to their request and drowned them in her own waters to free them from their curse.

Why did Ganga kill her son?

Marriage with Ganga Shantanu saw a beautiful woman on the banks of the river Ganges (Ganga) and asked her to marry him. They married and later she gave birth to a son. But she drowned the child. Shantanu could not ask her the reason, because of his promise, lest she would leave him.

Who is Ganga son?


Who is the son of goddess Ganga?


Why did Parvati cursed Ganga?

Parvati cursed the Devatas She said, ‘I, who was desirous of having a son was prevented by you and therefore, you shall be incapable of begetting children through your wives.

Why is Ganga water so pure?

The mysterious healing power of the Ganges water, or “Brahm Dravya”, has been proven to have the “healing touch” and self purifying properties. Bacteriophages, the viruses that eat bacteria, were found in the waters of Ganga.

Why did Ganga curse Arjuna?

The Vasus, Bhīṣma’s brothers, cursed Arjuna after he killed Bhīṣma through treachery in the Kurukshetra War. Upon hearing him, Ganga said that Arjuna would be killed by his own son, Babruvāhana—Arjuna’s son through Chitrāngadā—and brought back to life when Ulupi placed a gem called Nāgamaṇi on his chest.

Why Arjuna had so many wives?

From his four wives, Arjuna had four sons, one from each wife — Shrutakarma, Iravan, Babhruvahana and Abhimanyu. During his second exile, Arjuna gained many celestial weapons. Despite being a powerful warrior, Arjuna was also skilled in music and dance….

Spouse Draupadi, Ulupi, Chitrāngadā and Subhadra

Who was Arjuna Favourite wife?


Was Draupadi jealous of Subhadra?

But Draupadi was famously jealous of Subhadra because Arjuna spend most of his time with Subhadra. she was the queen and she wouldn’t accept subhadra as her rival. Though draupadi eventually accepts her (thanks to Krishna’s manipulation)she does feel jealous as Arjuna is passionately in love with subhadra.

Who was Arjun’s Favourite son?


Did Arjuna really love Draupadi?

Thus Arjuna naturally loved her more since she was the sister of his inseparable companion (Arjuna is Nara and Lord Krishna is Narayana). Arjuna cared much more for Subhadra since she was the sister of Lord Krishna himself, whereas Draupadi was looked after mostly by Bhima.

Why did Arjuna kill Sudama?

The Mahabharata says Sudama died during the events that followed the Swayamvara of Draupadi. The Swayamvar was erupted due to revolt of kings present for swayamvar, for defense Arjun filled the sky with countless arrows and some of arrows hit sudama. He was around 9 years old at the time.

Did Arjun marry his cousin?

Yes Arjun and Subhadra were cousins. Arjun’s mother Kunti and Subhadra’s father Vasudev were biological siblings (brother-sister). During Mahabharat period cousin marriages were common.

Who was Draupadi Favorite Husband?


Was Draupadi virgin?

Later Draupadi was married to Arjuna but due to the promise of the mother of the Pandavas, she had to live as the wife of the five Pandavas. Hence Draupadi regained her virginity even after having a relationship with her husband. This was the reason that she remained a virgin throughout her life.

At what age Draupadi died?

Duryodhana’s two son Kaalketu & Laxman Kumar were killed by Abhimanyu in Mahabharata War. Draupadi’s age was 25 years when she emerged from the holly fire. Draupadi born from fire after when his father King Drupada and whole army of North Panchala Kingdom defeated by Arjuna alone.

Did Draupadi enter heaven?

It is the shortest book in the Epic. Mahaprasthanika Parva recites the journey of the Pandavas across India and finally their ascent towards Himalayas, as they climb their way to heaven on Mount Sumeru. As they leave their kingdom, a dog befriends them and joins their long journey. On their way, Draupadi dies first.

Who killed bheem?

Bhima, who was gone hunting during the abduction, was deeply upset when he came to know of Jatasura’s evil act on his return. A fierce encounter followed between the two gigantic warriors, where Bhima emerged victorious by decapitating Jatasura and crushing his body.

Who is older bheem or duryodhan?

Duryodhana is elder. He is younger than Yudhishtira but elder than Bheema.

Who was the most powerful in Mahabharata?

At what age Bhishma Pitamah died?

256 years

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