Why did Israel Raid Al Aqsa Mosque?
The Israeli Foreign Ministry said Monday’s incident was the “direct result of incitement by Palestinian terror groups”. On Twitter, the ministry posted photos of stone purportedly collected inside the mosque, implying that people inside the compound were planning to attack the May 10 processions.
Who built Al Aqsa Mosque first?
Al Masjid Al-Aqsa was founded forty (days or months or years) next to the Ka`bah. Historians believe that Prophet Ibrahim, peace and blessings be upon him, was the one who built or ordered Al-Aqsa to be built.
What happened to Masjid Al Aqsa?
The Dome of the Rock – Qubbat as-Sakhra – is said to shelter the rock from where Muhammad physically ascended. The mosque’s origins stretch back to the seventh century. It was first built in 637 AD, just five years after the prophet’s death. It has been destroyed, rebuilt and renovated multiple times.
Why is Allah unfair?
Dont think Allah to be unfair, actually its greater sin if you believe that. Allah appreciates our deeds , so if we worship him and we are not feeling the good sweet feeling then we are doing something wrong or thinking evil about Allah. Allah loves you more than your own mother the prophet Saw said.
What does Allah say about sickness?
It was narrated from Ibn Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “The one who visits a sick person who is not dying, and says seven times in his presence, ‘I ask Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Mighty Throne, to heal you’, Allah will heal him from that sickness.” – Narrated byAbu Dawood …
What is the punishment for zina in this world?
The main category of such crimes is zina, defined as any act of illicit sexual intercourse between a man and woman. The punishment for zina is the same for men and women: 100 lashes for the unmarried and death by stoning for the married; however, instances of these punishments are rarely documented in history.
What does Zina mean?
Zina is an Islamic legal term, meaning illicit sexual relations, that can be found in the Koran and the hadith (the collected words and acts of the Prophet Muhammad). Muslim empires like the Ottomans, the Mughals and the Safavids defined zina in different ways. But it usually refers to adultery and extramarital sex.