Why did language become an obstacle for Elie Wiesel?
“I had many things to say, i did not have the words to say them. Painfully aware of my limitations, i watched helplessly as language became an obstacle… he wanted to use the words he mentioned, but he knew that they would have a different meaning to him then to us. You just studied 39 terms!
What challenges did Elie Wiesel face?
In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, he told his story of the difficulties he faced during the Holocaust. The Nazis were horrible to the Jews; they gave them little food, made them march many miles, worked them long hard hours, and when on the train they had little air.
How does Elie Wiesel describe himself?
How does Wiesel describe himself as a boy of 12? He describes himself as a deeply observant boy who studied Talmud, wept over the destruction of the temple, and cared deeply about his religion. This helped Elie realize his wish to study the Cabala.
What is Elie’s greatest fear?
It is Eliezer’s great fear that he too will lose his sense of kindness and filial responsibility, that he may turn against his father to facilitate his own survival.
What did Elie Wiesel fear?
Elie Wiesel on His Fear of Being the Last Holocaust Witness.
What is the inheritance Eliezer receives from his father?
What was Eliezer’s inheritance from his father? A knife and a spoon.
What was the last word that Elie’s father said?
He assumes that his father has been taken to the crematory and recalls that his father’s final word was “Eliezer.” Too weary for tears, Elie realizes that death has liberated him from a doomed, irretrievable burden.
What did Elie realize about Rabbi eliahou and his son?
What did Elie realize about Rabbi Eliahou and his son? He realized that the son had been trying to lose his father as the men were running. At the same time, the Rabbi was looking for the son who had deserted him. Elie heard a voice that he recognized, Juliek, the muscician from Warsaw who’d played the violin at Buna.
Did Elie and the other prisoners think of revenge?
For after his father’s death, Eliezer’s life in the concentration camp also ceases to really exist: “I have nothing to say of my life during this period. Wiesel comments that none of the prisoners think of revenge when they are first freed..
Why did Rabbi eliahou’s son abandon him?
[Rabbi Eliahou’s son] had felt that his father was growing weak, he had believed that the end was near and had sought this separation in order to get rid of the burden, to free himself from an encumbrance which could lessen his own chances of survival.
What was Juliek’s last act before dying?
Juliek’s last act was to play his violin “to an audience of dying and dead men”.
What is Juliek’s final act before he dies?
Overall, Juliek’s last act was to play Beethoven on his violin for the malnourished, exhausted Jewish prisoners before he passed away later that night.
Why is it ironic that Rabbi eliahou will continue to look for his beloved son?
Why does Wiesel tell the story of Rabbi Eliahou? – Wiesel is glad that the rabbi continues to look for his beloved son because since it mirrors Wiesel’s relationship with his father, it gives him the peace of mind that his father would search for him if Wiesel would be separated or lost.
What was the worst poison for Elie’s father?
Who is Rabbi eliahou son?
Rabbi Eliahou An aged Polish holy man, like one of the biblical prophets, Rabbi Eliahou maintains a sweet expression and a comforting ministry among others in the camps. Eliahou’s Son A disloyal young man, Eliahou’s son terrifies Elie by his behavior.
What happened Rabbi Eliahu?
Rabbi Eliahou, a kindly and beloved old man, finds his way into the shed where Eliezer and his father are collapsed. Eliezer falsely tells Rabbi Eliahou he has not seen the son, yet, during the run, Eliezer saw the son abandon his father, running ahead when it seemed Rabbi Eliahou would not survive.