Why did President Polk favor a war with Mexico?

Why did President Polk favor a war with Mexico?

Why did James K. Polk seem to favor war with Mexico? He did not want a war, but he was willing to go to war if necessary in order to gain his objective of extending the US west to California and ending the dispute over the Texas border.

Why did US go to war with Mexico?

The Mexican-American War was a conflict between the United States and Mexico, fought from April 1846 to February 1848. It stemmed from the annexation of the Republic of Texas by the U.S. in 1845 and from a dispute over whether Texas ended at the Nueces River (the Mexican claim) or the Rio Grande (the U.S. claim).

What reasons for war did Polk cite?

1/ what reasons for war did Polk cite in his message?…Terms in this set (24)

  • President Polk’s territorial aspirations. – known as “Polk the Purposeful,” and wanted to complete the nation from Atlantic-Pacific.
  • Hostility between America and Mexico over annexation of Texas.
  • Border dispute of Texas.

What did the United States gain from the war with Mexico?

Under the terms of the treaty negotiated by Trist, Mexico ceded to the United States Upper California and New Mexico. This was known as the Mexican Cession and included present-day Arizona and New Mexico and parts of Utah, Nevada, and Colorado (see Article V of the treaty).

What are the cons of Texas annexation?

Cons (Against Annexation)

  • Texas would keep its public lands, as well as its public debts.
  • Texas would transfer its military, postal, and customs authority to the United States government.
  • Texas would become a state upon approval of annexation and the creation of a new state constitution.

What made Texas Land in Mexico so desirable?

It also had rivers leading to natural ports on the Gulf Of Mexico. What made Texas’s land so desirable? They hoped that new colonists would help to defend against Native Americans and Americans who illegally sneaked into Texas.

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