Why did the Boston Tea Party lead to the American Revolution?

Why did the Boston Tea Party lead to the American Revolution?

The Boston Tea Party was the key-event for the Revolutionary War. With this act, the colonists started the violent part of the revolution. It was the first try of the colonists, to rebel with violence against their own government. Then they (the government) passed taxes on lead, paint, paper and tea.

Who was against the Stamp Act?

The American colonists were angered by the Stamp Act and quickly acted to oppose it. Because of the colonies’ sheer distance from London, the epicenter of British politics, a direct appeal to Parliament was almost impossible. Instead, the colonists made clear their opposition by simply refusing to pay the tax.

Why did the stamp act angered the colonists?

These taxes included the Stamp Act, passed in 1765, which required the use of special paper bearing an embossed tax stamp for all legal documents. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens. The colonists started to resist by boycotting, or not buying, British goods.

Why did the colonists oppose the Stamp Act?

Why did the colonists oppose the stamp act ? They felt that they should have the same right and liberties. Colonists being taxed without their voice. Money was going to pay for british royal governor salaries.

What were the main reasons the colonists wanted to break free from Britain?

Historians say the main reason the colonists were angry was because Britain had rejected the idea of ‘no taxation without representation’. Almost no colonist wanted to be independent of Britain at that time. Yet all of them valued their rights as British citizens and the idea of local self-rule.

How did the colonists respond to the Stamp Act?

Adverse colonial reaction to the Stamp Act ranged from boycotts of British goods to riots and attacks on the tax collectors. Although the Stamp Act occurred eleven years before the Declaration of Independence, it defined the central issue that provoked the American Revolution: no taxation without representation.

What was the outcome of the Boston Massacre?

The Boston Massacre is considered by many historians to be the first battle of the Revolutionary War. The fatal incident happened on March 5 of 1770. The massacre resulted in the death of five colonists.

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