Why did the narrator dislike Mr kelada?

Why did the narrator dislike Mr kelada?

Supporting information: The narrator dislikes Mr. Kelada even before he meets him. // He dislikes his name and the look of his luggage. // When he meets him, he dislikes him because of his appearance and the way he talks.

Why does the narrator think that Mr kelada is chatty and familiar?

Mr. Kelada believed it was a compliment to be known for always being “everywhere and always”. He saw it as a positive thing that everyone thought he was argumentative, chatty, and involved in the organization of games and social events. This was probably because he saw his nickname “Mr.

Who wrote Mr know all?

William Somerset Maugham

In which year did the story take place in Somerset Maugham’s plausibility in fiction ‘? *?

Somerset Maugham, published in 1930. Every answer in this quiz is the name of a novelist. How many do you know? The story is told by Willie Ashenden, a character who previously appeared in Maugham’s short-story collection Ashenden.

Why is it called the Painted Veil?

The title is taken from Percy Bysshe Shelley’s sonnet, which begins “Lift not the painted veil which those who live / Call Life”.

Did Somerset Maugham have a club foot?

Like Maugham, who was a homosexual with a bad stammer, he is afflicted with a disabling deformity, a club foot. Raised by his clergyman uncle, the boy is imprisoned in late-Victorian vicarage life dreaming of his release from bondage, and praying to an indifferent God to have his disability healed.

In which restaurant did S Maugham Give the lady a lunch?

the Foyots

What did the lady eat first at the luncheon?

She firstly ordered salmon, caviare and champagne; followed by asparagus, coffee and ice-cream.

How did the Lady know the narrator?

The women knew the narrator as the narrator was the writer and she had read a book of the narrator and had written to the narrator about it. She want to meet him because she was passing through Paris and she would like to have a chat and a little luncheon at FOVOT’S with him.

Why does the narrator decide to go for lunch with the woman?

Why does the narrator decide to go for lunch with the woman? Ans. The narrator decided to go for lunch with the woman as he was flattered by her praises for his work and he was too young to say no to a lady and also a modest luncheon would have not left his pocket with a big hole.

Does the narrator enjoy his meal?

No, the narrator did not enjoy his meal because he was worned about the bill, which he would have to pay, as the woman went on ordering the most expensive delicacies, one after the other. And the narrator on the other hand ordered for himself the cheapest dish i.e., the mutton chop and the coffee.

Why did the lady call the narrator a humorist?

We think that actually the woman herself contributes to the humour in the story. This is because she says that she never eats more than one thing for luncheon but all the expensive dishes ordered by the narrator were eaten up by her.

How much should a modest lunch have cost according to the narrator?

Answer: The narrator thought the modest lunch would not cost him more than fifteen francs.

Why was the narrator suddenly seized with panic?

Answer. Answer- The narrator was panic-striken while they were waiting for the asparagus to be cooked because the narrator was worried and concerned that is he would be able to pay the bill or not as he knew that the bill is going to exceed his budget.

Why did the narrator order coffee for himself?

Th narrator was with a woman who ordered many expensive dishes. He knew if he ordered anything else either he would have no money for the rest of the month or he would have to face a humuliating situation. But seeing all those delicious dishes he threw all the cautions and ordered coffee for himself.

Why was the writer at lunch a silent listener?

The author Somerset Maugham frequently wrote frankly autobiographical short stories. He was conned into treating the woman to a luncheon at Foyot’s in Paris because he was still quite young, was just getting started in his chosen career as a writer, and was concerned about good .

Why did the lady in the story luncheon wanted to meet the writer?

The story ‘The Luncheon’ is written by William Somerset Maugham in which a woman who is an admirer of the stories of the narrator writes to him expressing her desire to meet him. She wanted to meet him at a high-end restaurant in Paris where the narrator lives.

What did the narrator order for himself?

Answer:Th narrator was with a woman who ordered many expensive dishes. But seeing all those delicious dishes he threw all the cautions and ordered coffee for himself.

What dishes did the woman eat for luncheon?

Answer: The women had a number of dishes for luncheon. She had salmon, caviare, champaigne, asparagus, coffee with ice cream and at last peaches.

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