Why did the poet go to the dentist How could she have avoided it?
The poet went to the dentist to get her teeth examined. She had developed cavities in her teeth due to unhealthy eating habits and irregular brushing of teeth. She could have avoided it if she had taken proper care of her teeth by brushing them properly and regularly.
Did the poet brush her teeth as she was told to by her elders how can you tell?
How can you tell? Ans:- The poet did not brush her teeth though her mother told her to. This is clear from how the poet describes about the cavities and tooth decay and the many fillings, caps and tooth extractions she underwent, and that she might need a set of false teeth soon.
Why does the poet find it better?
Answer: The poet chose the road that was less travelled because it had the better claim. It was grassy and not many people had used it.
Does the poet regret his decision?
No, the poet did not regret his decision. He was more than happy with his decision. The place had leaves all over it and it looked as if nobody had ever walked on it. But in the middle, he does rethink about his decision.
What is the message in the poem?
Meaning is the word referring comprehensively to the ideas expressed within the poem – the poem’s sense or message. When understanding poetry, we frequently use the words idea, theme, motif, and meaning. Usually, idea refers to a concept, principle, scheme, method, or plan.
What is the moral or message of the poem?
Answer: moral means a message conveyed by, or a lesson learned from, a story, a poem, or an event.
What is the main message of the road not taken?
The main theme of the “The Road Not Taken” is that it is often impossible to see where a life-altering decision will lead. Thus, one should make their decision swiftly and with confidence. It is normal to wonder what the outcome would have been if the other road, the road not taken, was the road chosen.
What is the message of the poem be the best?
We must take pride in our job and accomplish it with our best effort. It’s good to be a pine tree on the top of the hill, but you can still be noticeable by being the best bush beside the stream making the valley beautiful. The theme of the poem is inspirational and instructional, making it a great didactic poem.
What message is conveyed by this poem on killing a tree?
The poem conveys the message that trees are living beings just like any other form of life. They have strong survival instincts and can withstand any type of assault, trauma or crisis. It is not easy to kill them, for they have a never-say-die attitude to life.
What is the central theme of the poem?
The central theme of a poem represents its controlling idea. This idea is crafted and developed throughout the poem and can be identified by assessing the poem’s rhythm, setting, tone, mood, diction and, occasionally, title.
What can we learn from the road not taken?
The poem is teaching us that most decisions that we think are really important are actually meaningless. The speaker in the poem has convinced himself of something that is not true — that there was a difference between the two roads and that his choice was very important.
What is the message of the poem The Road Not Taken in 100 words?
Answer: The main theme of “The Road Not Taken” is that life is full of choices which will define our destinies. The speaker spends a while deliberating when he comes to a fork in the road, which symbolizes a choice he must make in his life.
Why was it difficult for the poet to make a decision?
Ans. It was difficult for the poet to make a decision as he had no idea what any of them had in store for him. He was at a difficult time in his life, to remain in the USA where he was not given recognition or to migrate to England. Only the future could tell.
What do the two roads symbolize?
The two roads symbolize the choices that one has to make in life. It is very important to make the right choice because we can never retrace our path and go back. One road would lead on to another and there is no coming back.
What do the roads symbolize?
Road is the symbol of life’s journey. The dreams related to road indicate the various directions that your life has taken in the past, or the directions it will take ahead. Symbolism: Road symbolizes the journey that your life is currently in.
Why does the poet feel sorry?
The poet is feeling sorry because he could not travel both the roads. The mood of the poet is regretful and thoughtful.
What does yellow wood signify?
(i) a yellow wood: The yellow woods represents the season of autumn. Autumn also stands for old age and inactivity. The poet could be symbolically talking about his later stages of life when he finds it hard to take a decision.
What does yellow wood metaphorically mean?
The reference to “a yellow wood” can represent both the autumn leaves and the dappled, golden sunlight falling on the forest floor. Mornings are usually metaphors for new possibilities and new beginnings.
What do the woods symbolize?
Unlike other types of metal or stone, wood is an organic material, and it is a strong symbol of life, growth, and strength.
Which stage in our life can be compared to autumn season?
The ‘autumn season’ is symbolized by the turning of green leaves into yellow. This yellowing of leaves signifies that the fall or the end is near. The old age which is also known as the last stage of life can be compared with this season as the green or youth period is now over and the man moves towards his end.