Why did the US have lots of banks panics in the 19th century?
It was triggered by a collapse in cotton prices. A contraction in credit coincided with the problems in the cotton market, and the young American economy was severely affected. Banks were forced to call in loans, and foreclosures of farms and bank failures resulted.
Why were American farmers so dissatisfied during the Gilded Age?
Farmers were struggling during the Gilded Age. Many farmers were in debt and in danger of losing their farms. Prices of crops were also low. Loans were expensive, and railroad companies didn’t offer farmers benefits that other businesses received.
What caused the depression of 1893?
The Panic of 1893 was a national economic crisis set off by the collapse of two of the country’s largest employers, the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad and the National Cordage Company. Following of the failure of these two companies, a panic erupted on the stock market.
What was the main issue in the presidential election of 1896?
Economic issues, especially tariff policy and the question of whether the gold standard should be preserved for the money supply, were central issues.
Why was the presidential election of 1896 so important quizlet?
The presidential election of 1896 demonstrated a sharp division in society between urban and rural interests. William Jennings Bryan (Democrat) was able to form a coalition that answered the call of progressive groups and rural interests including the indebted farmers and those arguing against the gold standard.
How did the election of 1896 affect the populists quizlet?
How did the election of 1896 affect the Populists? The party disappeared. It led to the dominance of the Democratic Party. The populist candidate for president in 1892 was _____.
Which of the following happened as a result of the election of 1896 quizlet?
What happened as a result of the election of 1896? William McKinley was able to win the election by winning the big cities and the industrial areas of the north and Midwest.