
Why did you choose to study social work?

Why did you choose to study social work?

1. You will learn how to make a positive impact. Social Work is all about understanding and striving to improve the lives of people in society. Social Workers listen to people’s needs, from young children to people struggling with addictions, and help them to cope and improve their quality of life.

Why should we hire you for social work?

‘Social work is extremely important. I’ve always been interested in helping people, and for me the value of helping others to improve their lives surpasses any monetary gain. So, on a personal level, I have spent large portions of my childhood in contact with social workers who have changed my life for the better.

What is interesting about social work?

Social work is one of the fastest growing careers in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. There were more than 700,000 social work jobs in 2018. The profession is expected to grow by 11 percent by 2028.

How long do social services take to investigate?

Unless the child or children in question requires immediate protection, the majority of cases will begin with a social worker conducting a multi-agency assessment under section 17 of the Children Act 1989. The assessment needs to be carried out within 45 days from the point of referral.

Can Social Services talk to my child without me?

Yes. The social worker will want to speak to your child alone, but they should ask you before they do so (unless there are exceptional circumstances, for example they are concerned that you might threaten your child or try to make your child stay silent, or your child doesn’t want you involved).

Why do social services do unannounced visits?

Unannounced visits offer the Social Worker the opportunity to see the child and the carers without the pre- planning processes that may have occurred prior to a planned or expected visit. This will provide a balanced perspective of the quality of life for the child in the home.

What happens with a section 47?

A Section 47 enquiry means that CSC must carry out an investigation when they have ‘reasonable cause to suspect that a child who lives, or is found, in their area is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm’1. The aim is to decide whether any action should be taken to safeguard the child.

What is the difference between a section 17 and a section 47 referral?

It explains the definition of a child in need, the assessment process and child in need plans and the types of services available. Section 17 Children Act 1989 support for more complex needs. Action under section 47 if there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.

How much does a Section 47 report cost?

Not suee of waiting times but should not be long. Did the court recommend a section 47? They are expensive to get done privately – approx 3-3.5k plus they need to be laid for standby and for court appearances. Your solicitor will have the list of approved psychologists.

How long does a section 47 investigation take?

While the timescale within which the assessment must be completed is 45 working days the outcome of enquiries under Section 47 must be available in time for an Initial Child Protection Conference which (if required) must be held within 15 working days of the Strategy Discussion/Meeting where the enquiries were …

Do you need parental consent for section 47?

In emergency situations where the child needs urgent medical treatment and there is insufficient time to obtain parental consent: The medical practitioner may decide to proceed without consent; and/or.

Who decides whether a child is suffering from significant harm?

Under section 47 of the Children Act 1989, where a local authority has reasonable cause to suspect that a child (who lives or is found in their area) is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm, it has a duty to make such enquiries as it considers necessary to decide whether to take any action to safeguard or …

Do you need to provide evidence that a child is at risk?

Legislation in all jurisdictions except New South Wales and Victoria requires mandatory reporting in relation to all young people up to the age of 18 years. In Victoria, the duty only applies to situations involving children under 17 years of age.

Which child is most likely to be resilient?

Terms in this set (58) Which of the following would most likely be a resilient child? The child who lives in a neglectful environment but shows few adverse effects because she has the support of her teachers and extended family.

What should I do if I think a child is at risk?

If you think a child might be being abused but they haven’t said anything to you, there are things you can do which can help.

  1. Talk to the child. Most children who’re being abused find it very difficult to talk about.
  2. Keep a diary.
  3. Talk to their teacher or health visitor.
  4. Speak to other people.
  5. Talk to us.

What are some of the symptoms of developmental delays?

Signs and Symptoms of Developmental Delay

  • Learning and developing more slowly than other children same age.
  • Rolling over, sitting up, crawling, or walking much later than developmentally appropriate.
  • Difficulty communicating or socializing with others.
  • Lower than average scores on IQ tests.
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