Why do British call a wrench a spanner?

Why do British call a wrench a spanner?

‘Wrench’ is derived from Middle English wrench, from Old English wrenÄ‹, from Proto-Germanic *wrankiz (“a turning, twisting”). First used in 1790. ‘Spanner’ came into use in the 1630s, referring to the tool for winding the spring of a wheel-lock firearm. From German Spanner (n.), from spannen (v.)

What is a spanner in the UK?

In the UK, a spanner is a fixed-profile hand tool which fits or removes a fastening by turning a nut or bolt and a wrench is a similar tool but turns non-fastening components, for example, a pipe (or Stillson) wrench which is used to turn and manipulate pipes.

What is the British word for wrench?


What’s the difference between a spanner and a wrench?

A spanner is a type of adjustable wrench. A spanner is a type of wrench with an opening and sometimes little teeth: you can clasp it over the nut or bolt and get a good grip. In the US, the main difference between a spanner and other wrenches is the spanner is adjustable and works with many sizes of nuts and bolts.

Why is spanner an insult?

(Britain, Ireland, mildly derogatory) A stupid or unintelligent person; one prone to making mistakes, especially in language. You spanner, Rodney!

What is another word for spanner?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for spanner, like: wrench, screwdriver, crowbar, plier, thumbscrew, kango, circlip, hand-drill and machine.

What is the meaning monkey wrench?

The monkey wrench is a type of adjustable wrench, a 19th century American refinement of 18th-century English coach wrenches. The largely US idiom “to throw a monkey wrench into…” means to sabotage something.

What is another name for a walker?

Walker Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for walker?

hiker rambler
wayfarer footslogger
pedestrian tramper
ambler perambulator
roamer rover

What is the antonym of wrench?

What is the opposite of wrench?

loosen slack
idle laze
mend placate
refresh release
repress rest

What’s another word for heart wrenching?

What is another word for heart-wrenching?

heartbreaking distressing
desolating grievous
harrowing painful
pitiful upsetting
distressful disturbing

What is a wrench used for?

Wrenches are made in various shapes and sizes and are used for gripping, fastening, turning, tightening and loosening things like pipes, pipe fittings, nuts and bolts.

What does it mean to yank?

intransitive verb. : to pull on something with a quick vigorous movement. transitive verb. 1 : to pull or extract with a quick vigorous movement. 2 : to remove in or as if in an abrupt manner yanked the story from the evening edition.

What does Yank mean UK?

The shortened form Yank is used as a derogatory, pejorative, playful, or colloquial term for Americans in Britain, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Ireland, and New Zealand. The full Yankee may be considered mildly derogatory, depending on the country.

Is Yank a slang word?

Yank may refer to: Yankee, a slang term, with various meanings, for someone of American origin. It is particularly used in a derogative sense, with connotations of someone from the USA who is arrogant and/or loud-mouthed.

Where does word yank come from?

“Yank,” like the fuller form “Yankee,” has long led a double life as a term of both disparagement and pride. “Yankee” likely originated in the Dutch name “Janke,” a diminutive of “Jan” that first served as a British put-down of Dutch settlers in the American colonies, eventually applied to provincial New Englanders.

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