Why do I want to become a nurse essay?

Why do I want to become a nurse essay?

My main inspiration to become a nurse comes from an inborn desire to care for people in times of their need. I feel that helping patients overcome the burden of different health conditions, as well as, supporting their families through such difficult times is satisfactory.

Why did you choose to study nursing?

I wanted to do something in my career that is challenging, interesting, and makes a difference in people’s lives daily. In the nursing profession, you deal with many aspects of patient care, and I enjoy the variety in the routine. The candidate also makes a point to mention that patient care is a priority.

What will I benefit from nursing?

There are many benefits to choosing a nurse career. Nursing provides many opportunities for advancement into management, as well as providing job security, even in troublesome times. Nurses are paid well for the work that they perform. Nursing can also provide an opportunity to travel if the nurse should so choose.

What would happen if there were no nurses?

Fewer Nurses Means: Your life could be shorter. You have a higher chance of getting a serious infection. You may experience more complications from surgery or hospitalisation.

Why is the nursing shortage important?

Clinical Significance Appropriate staffing levels will decrease errors, increase patient satisfaction, and improve nurse retention rates. Nursing shortages lead to errors, higher morbidity, and mortality rates.

What are nurses to patients?

Nurses give patients resources to improve their lives and disease outcomes. Nurses pass medications and teach procedures to patients to help them achieve compliance with their health related needs. Nurses can improve a patient’s health by teaching them emotional coping skills to handle stressful situations.

Why are nurses important in hospitals?

Nurses are of the utmost importance when it comes to hospital quality. Everything they do affects the outcome of care patients receive, as well as the general impression a hospital gives to the public. From bedside and medication management to assistance with surgeries, nurses are involved.

Is nursing a dangerous job?

In fact, nursing home workers are now considered to have the most dangerous jobs in the U.S.—as shown by their fatality rates. Without intervention, working in a nursing home is likely to become more than twice as deadly as previous years’ deadliest occupations, like logging and commercial fishing.

Is physical therapy the right career for me?

Because of this, Physical Therapists are known are highly educated, highly skilled professionals with vast medical knowledge. If your interest is in healing, Physical Therapy may very well be the perfect career choice for you.

What age do physical therapists retire?

about 60 ears old

Is a doctor of physical therapy a real doctor?

So, since 2015, physical therapists are doctors, but they’re not physicians. They undergo additional schooling as required for their specific professional practice just like any dentist, nurse, doctor, surgeon, optometrist, orthodontist, or therapist.

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