Why do we celebrate Divine Mercy on Sunday?

Why do we celebrate Divine Mercy on Sunday?

The liturgical celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday reflects the devotional elements of Divine Mercy – the first prayer of that Mass beginning with: Heavenly Father and God of Mercy, We no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for He is alive and has become the Lord of Life.

When did Pope John Paul declare Divine Mercy Sunday?


What is the purpose of the Divine Mercy Chaplet?

The following day, as she entered the Chapel, Jesus spoke to her and explained that the main purpose of Chaplet of Divine Mercy is to appease the Just Anger of the Holy Trinity. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is a fascinating prayer and how Jesus chose to reveal it to us is even more fascinating.

Which Pope started the Divine Mercy?

Pope John Paul II

Why is 3 pm the Holy Hour?

The Passion of Jesus teaches us what true mercy is. It is for this reason that the 3 O’Clock Holy hour is so important, for it is only through meditation on the Passion of Jesus that we, in our own way, will begin to understand how incomprehensible and infinite His mercy is and also believe that He has forgiven us.

What was the main message that Jesus told St Faustina?

Theologians say the message revealed to Saint Faustina “is a powerful reminder of who God is and has been from the very beginning. This truth that God is in His very nature Love and Mercy Itself, is given to us by our Judeo-Christian faith and God’s self-revelation.

What are the Divine Mercy promises?

  • “Oh, what great graces I will grant to souls who say this Chaplet.
  • “At the hour of their death, I defend every soul that will say this Chaplet as I do my own glory.
  • “I desire that this mercy flow out upon the whole world through your heart.
  • “My daughter, help me to save a certain dying sinner.

Why do we pray to St Faustina?

Intercessory prayer to Jesus is very powerful prayer, because it is demonstrating your trust in God the Father’s mercy, it is glorifying God. Intercessory prayer is giving witness to your belief in God, and His great grace of Divine Mercy given through His Son Jesus Christ.

What did Faustina see?

Throughout her life, Kowalska reported having visions of Jesus and conversations with him, which she noted in her diary, later published as The Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul.

Did Faustina kill herself?

175 AD

When did Faustina die?


Where is original Divine Mercy painting?

Eugene Kazimierowski was the artist who painted the first Image of Divine Mercy which currently hangs in the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Why are there 2 images of divine mercy?

“The two rays denote Blood and Water. The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood which is the life of souls…. These two rays issued forth from the very depths of My tender mercy when My agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross.”

Did Sister Faustina see Jesus?

Although the first and only apparition in Poland to Saint Faustina of Jesus as the Image of Divine Mercy, occurred on February 22, 1931 in Plock, Saint Faustina had several apparitions of Jesus as Divine Mercy in Vilnius, where she lived in a convent house where she was sent by the superiors of her religious community.

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