Why do we read literature?

Why do we read literature?

Reading literature enables us to see the world through the eyes of others. It trains the mind to be flexible, to comprehend other points of view—to set aside one’s personal perspectives to see life through the eyes of someone who is of another age, class, or race.

Why is it important to read different types of literature?

It helps them develop a broad perspective on the world around them. Their vocabulary will benefit, too, if they read a wide selection of books. With each new word encountered in the broad range of reading materials they’re consuming, their vocabulary grows.

Does literature make you a better person?

We know that the more people read, the better their verbal skills, including their vocabulary. Now, however, mounting evidence suggests that reading literary fiction broadens our minds and improves our ability to empathize with others. A good book, in short, can make you a better person.

How literature will be beneficial to you as a future professional?

Not only does it help to upskill your command of the spoken language, it also helps to strengthen your writing skills, stimulate your intellectual curiosity, enhance your memory and encourage you to be critical, all of which are important skills for any career.

Is anxiety a sign of intelligence?

Excessive worry might not be such a bad thing after all — a new small study suggests that such anxiety may have evolved in people along with intelligence. Although we tend to view anxiety as not being good for us, it is linked with intelligence — a highly adaptive trait, said Dr.

What part of brain controls fear and anxiety?

The brain amygdala appears key in modulating fear and anxiety. Patients with anxiety disorders often show heightened amygdala response to anxiety cues. The amygdala and other limbic system structures are connected to prefrontal cortex regions.

What are the signs of intelligence?

Here’s a look at 11 signs of varying types of intelligence.

  • You’re empathetic.
  • You value solitude.
  • You have a strong sense of self.
  • You always want to know more.
  • You observe and remember.
  • You have good body memory.
  • You can handle the challenges life tosses at you.
  • You have a knack for keeping the peace.

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