Why do you think Dimmesdale keeps his hand over his heart?
What is Dimmesdale’s idosyncratic gesture? He puts his hand over his heart to “cover” up his guilt and pain for not admitting to the sin he committed. He’s trying to hold himself back from not exposing himself.
What is revealed on Dimmesdale’s chest?
He discovers that Dimmesdale, out of the guilt and sadness he feels from what occurs with Hester, has carved a letter “A” on his chest. This act of self-mutilation is essentially his own way to “share” the pain of Hester’s humiliation.
What happens to Chillingworth What does he give Pearl?
What does he give Pearl? Chillingworth withers away and dies shortly after Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold and reveals his “A”. He gives Pearl all of his inheritance. He dies because his revenge is all he lives for.
Does Hester love Pearl?
Pearl becomes Hester’s spiritual support because she brings love and happiness to her. When the governor plans to take Pearl away from Hester, she argues for the happiness that Pearl brought to her. She says, “God gave me the child! As a mother, Hester gains happiness by taking care of Pearl.
What does Dimmesdale say before death?
Dimmesdale calls himself a sinner and reveals his chest with “a flush of triumph” while the sinister Chillingworth complains, “Thou hast escaped me!” To this, Dimmesdale replies, “May God forgive thee!….
What does the ending of the scarlet letter mean?
In the end, Chillingworth is morally degraded by his monomaniacal pursuit of revenge. Dimmesdale is broken by his own sense of guilt, and he publicly confesses his adultery before dying in Hester’s arms. Only Hester can face the future bravely, as she prepares to begin a new life with her daughter, Pearl, in Europe.
What happens to Hester after Dimmesdale dies?
5) What does Hester do after Dimmesdale’s death? After Dimmesdale’s death, and the subsequent death of Roger Chillingworth, Pearl and Hester leave Boston and go abroad. After many years, Hester returns alone and lives quietly in the same cottage she had previously occupied.
What happens after Dimmesdale confesses?
By protecting his reputation, Dimmesdale sentenced himself to suffering far worse than the public punishment he would have shared with Hester. By confessing, he escapes the prison he built for himself, and the one Chillingworth built for him. Dimmesdale falls to the floor and asks Pearl for a kiss.
What does Chillingworth do to Dimmesdale while he sleeps?
When Dimmesdale is in a uncharacteristic deep sleep one afternoon, Chillingworth pulls back his robe and sees something on his chest. His reaction was described as what Satan looks like when a soul goes to Hell. It shows that Chillingworth is truly evil at this point.
What was Chillingworth’s secret?
He was “confessing” to God and himself and trying to make up for his sin in his own way. This confirms Chillingworth’s suspicions that Dimmesdale’s awful secret is that he is Pearl’s father and Hester’s lover.
What reason does Chillingworth give to the townspeople for wanting to live with Dimmesdale?
What reason does Chillingworth give to the townspeople for wanting to live with Dimmesdale? Because Dimmesdale does not have a wife, he needs a doctor to care for him. They are both bachelors and can keep each other company. Chillingworth is in need of spiritual guidance.