Why do you think it is important to understand the legal and ethical issues in photography?

Why do you think it is important to understand the legal and ethical issues in photography?

Most photographers will develope a contract that outlines what the photographers rights that they have with the photos and likewise for the customer. It is important to understand who’s property they are and how the rights to the photos are distriputed so that there is no sueing over misuse of photos.

Why does red light not affect film?

The film will be ruined if you expose it to red light in a darkroom. Photons of blue light have more energy than photons of red light, so if the energy required for the reaction to take place is more than the energy in a photon of red light, the reaction will not take place with red light.

Can any red light be used in a darkroom?

Red safe lights can definitely be used in place of amber ones. They are safe for more sensitive papers that would fog under amber lights. The white lights temporarily ruin your low-light vision so you want to minimize your time with the lights fully on.

Why Cannot other colors be used in a photographic dark room other than red?

Photographic black and white paper is deliberately made to be insensitive to red light, for convenience in handling in dark rooms. Film is sensitive to red light, as is color paper. They can not be handled with a red light—a red darkroom safelight will ruin them.

What color light is film not sensitive to?

In addition to visible light, all films are sensitive to ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays, and high-energy particles. Unmodified silver halide crystals are sensitive only to the blue part of the visible spectrum, producing unnatural-looking renditions of some colored subjects.

Why is photographic film sensitive to light?

The sensitive elements in the film are crystals of, most often, silver halide which can change their structure when excited by light (photons). When a photon of light strikes a grain it dissipates its energy in the crystal (grain). This energy may or may not be enough to flip the crystal into a latent state.

How do you know if 35mm film is exposed?

For APS 35mm film, check for the 4 numbers on the top or bottom of the canister. If the number 3 has a white “x” next to it then it has been exposed and ready for development. For 120 or 220 film (medium format) look to see if the word “exposed” is visible. If so, then the film has most likely been used.

How do you know if you’re filming correctly?

Don’t worry, there is an easy way to determine if the film is moving forward or not. When you use the film advance to wind the film, you simply have to check if the knob on the left (that you use to rewind the film) is turning. If it turns, good, it means that the film is properly engaged./span>

How do I know if my film camera is working?

Check the shutter blinds for obvious pinholes. Open the back of the camera and hold it up to strong light. Wind the film advance lever, and have a good look at the shutter blind. Press the shutter button, to bring the second shutter blind into place, and have a good look at that too./span>

How do you expose a movie?

The Sunny 16 Rule If you have a 400 film stock, set your shutter to 400, and your aperture to f/16 and it’ll give you the correct exposure. If you are going to compensate, give it a little bit more exposure. f/16 in the sun, f11 overcast, f/8 if it’s more overcast, f/6 is heavy overcast, f/4 in the shade./span>

How do you take good analog photos?

Always set your aperture to f/16 on bright days and then set your shutter speed to the reciprocal of the ISO on your film. For example, if you’ve bought film with an ISO of 200, then the shutter speed should be set at 1/200 and the aperture at f/16, and voila, you’ll be taking some great photographs. 5./span>

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