
Why do you think Miller chooses to reveal information?

Why do you think Miller chooses to reveal information?

By withholding some information, and only revealing it in stages, the author hopes to interest the reader and to keep him “hooked” so that the reader continues with the work. As the reader does not know all the facts, he can emphatize with the characters, who also do not have all the information.

Why do you think Miller uses this unusual expository strategy for his drama?

The thing to note about The Crucible is that it is a play. That said, there is, in fact, a lot of expository writing within the The Crucible. This is so because there are a lot of intricacies that would otherwise be difficult to communicate to readers via character lines and stage directions.

What do you learn about Reverend Parris’s relationship with the community in Act I?

What do you learn about Reverend Parris’s relationship with the community in Act I? Where do you learn this information? They don’t really respect him even though the minister is the most respected in the community. In dialogue and background info.

At what point does the rising action begin in the crucible?

The rising action of The Crucible begins in Act I, with Parris and Mrs. Putnam encouraging the belief in witchcraft, and continues through Act II, in which personal prejudices and accusations replace seemingly harmless suspicions and questionings.

What is the most important piece of information revealed in Act 1 of The Crucible?

The most important piece of information revealed in Act 1 is Abigail Williams’s confession to John Proctor that Betty Parris, her cousin, is not suffering as a result of some witchcraft they performed.

What does Elizabeth say about Abigail?

Elizabeth also accuses Abigail of vanity over her good looks, which is part of Elizabeth perceiving her former maid as a whore. Elizabeth also says she dismissed Abigail from service because she was a poor housekeeper. Abigail, in turn, calls Elizabeth “a bitter woman, a lying, cold, sniveling woman.”

What does Elizabeth encourage John to do?

What does Elizabeth encourage John to do? She encourages him to go to court to prove Abigail is a fraud and doesn’t see spirits.

Why does Elizabeth want John to go to Abigail now?

Elizabeth originally wants John to go to Salem so he can tell the court that he knows the girls are lying. Then, when she finds out she was accused in court, she wants him to go to Salem to speak directly with Abigail. Elizabeth makes these requests with an eye towards correcting injustice and saving her own life.

How does Elizabeth feel about John?

But Elizabeth is human: she doesn’t trust John yet. Her fear and anger about John’s affair come out. She is colder to him, because as much as she loves him, his weakness towards Abigail is a major flaw in his character, which Elizabeth sees clearly even though John does not.

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