Why does Ender get the Launchies to practice with him?

Why does Ender get the Launchies to practice with him?

Why does Ender get the Launchies to practice with him? They are the only ones who will practice with him, and he knows he can teach them some things.

How does Bonzo feel about Ender’s practices?

Bonzo tells Ender not to do anything in battle and to stay out of the way. Since he cannot practice with Bonzo’s army, during free play Ender takes those who are willing from his launch group into the battleroom to practice. Bonzo does not like this and tells him to stop.

Why is Ender glad that he lived with Peter?

Because he is different and quicker than the others, Ender cannot show any weaknesses, or they will be instantly exploited. This is why he was glad that living with Peter taught him how to hide his emotions so that others could not see them at all.

Why does Ender suddenly become homesick?

Answer Expert Verified. In chapter 7 Ender begins to feel homesick because he is worried about having friends that are girls will ruin his street cred. He also misses his parents and friends.

What is Ender’s worst fear?

22. Ender’s worst fear is that, deep down, he’s just like Peter.

Who gave Ender his nickname?

Andrew Wiggin

Who married ender?

Ender Wiggin
Family John Paul Wiggin (father) Theresa Wiggin (mother) Peter Wiggin (brother) Valentine Wiggin (sister)
Spouse Novinha Ribeira
Children Miro Ribeira (step-son) Ela Ribeira (step-daughter) Quim Ribeira (step-son) Olhado Ribeira (step-son) Quara Ribeira (step-daughter) Grego Ribeira (step-son)

Did Ender kill Stilson?

It is revealed that Ender killed Bonzo when they fought. They are discussing Graff’s future, unsure whether he was arrested or promoted, since Ender succeeded brilliantly, but a student died under Graff’s command. They also mention that Ender also killed Stilson, although he does not know it.

Do Ender and Petra fall in love?

No. if you listen to the audio book of enders game Card talks for like 20 minutes about how he refused movie offers for years and years because they wanted to give ender a love interest (petra).

Is Ender a hero or villain?

Ender Wiggin is a hero. He should be allowed to return to Planet Earth. After all, he saved the entire human race. Although he hurt some people along the way, Ender doesn’t want to command or kill.

Is Ender a Mary Sue?

Andrew “Ender” Wiggin (Asa Butterfield) is one of the biggest Mary-Sue characters ever. And indeed, Ender is being specifically isolated by Colonel Graff (Harrison Ford) in some sort of attempt to improve his leadership skills.

Why does Alai kiss ender?

Alai, Ender’s first friend at Battle School, sends him in to his first battle with a kiss, which Ender guessed was “somehow forbidden.” The kiss was accompanied by the word “Salaam,” which is Arabic for peace and which is commonly used with brief kisses between men sharing the greeting, so the kiss may have meant …

Is Bean smarter than ender?

Yes from a purely testing perspective Bean is more intelligent than Ender. He scored higher on every test to get into Battle School but one which he scored last in. Ender is a much better leader than Bean thanks to his greater humanity towards the enemy, something discussed much more throughout the Shadow Saga.

Why was Ender’s Game Banned?

The reason Ender’s Game was first banned is because it was placed on a “hit list” of “evil books” by a Baptist group many years ago, and it was placed on that list for no other reason than that I’m a Mormon, and therefore no children should be reading a book by me.

Why can’t ender beat the giant at first?

Ender feels bad when he wins the game and kills and cheats. They are teaching him to do bad things and manipulating him. Why can’t Ender beat the Giant? He always chose wrong.

What is Peter’s greatest gift?

Now if you mean a gift like gifting – a personality strength – then you could answer that Peter’s best gift is the art of genius manipulation. He is gifted in figuring out what others fear most – and using it against them (I believe this is in Chapter 9).

Why are adults the real enemies?

The adults are the enemy because they are the puppet masters that are tricking, controlling, and manipulating a bunch of children. That doesn’t change the fact that in the case of most of the adults in the book, the end justifies the means. Each child is hardly ever viewed as an actual child.

Why is Petra the wrong friend?

Why is Petra the wrong kind of friend to have? What valuable skill does she eventually teach Ender? Because she is an outcast. They’re the only people who want to train with Ender.

What valuable skill does Petra teach ender?

sharpshooting skills

Where is Petra Arkanian from?


How old is Ender Wiggin?

The young boy chosen to do just that is six year old Andrew Wiggin also known as Ender. According to the government, Ender exhibits the traits needed to assure that victory. At six years old he enters battle school and begins preparation for the bugger war.

Who did Ender kill?


Why is Ender called third?

Why is Andrew Wiggin called “Third”? He is the third child in his family. His parents received a waiver from the government granting permission for a third child. Ender’s teacher never bothers Ender when he is not paying attention in class because he always knows the answer anyway.

How old is ender at the end of the book?

In the book, Ender was 6 when he left Earth for Battle School and 11 by the time of the *ahem* “final examination” battle.

What does Ender finally realize was real?

What does Ender finally realize was “real”? He’s not a man of pleasure and feels that survival is more important than happiness. Ender wanted to beat the teachers by cheating as he felt they were his enemy. “All over, beat them.

Is Ender’s Game appropriate for a 10 year old?

The book is often criticized for its violence even though most of the violence in the story is implied. I would like to recommend Ender’s Game for kids as young as 10 but my primary concern with younger readers is not the violence or language but their ability to understand some of the deeper themes.

Is Valentine Ender’s sister?

Valentine is Ender’s older sister, and she does what she can to protect him from Peter, their sadistic older brother. Valentine has much of Ender’s compassion, but she does not have Peter’s ruthlessness.

Who takes valentine to Ender?


Who is the villain in Ender’s Game?

Bonzo Madrid

Why do Peter and Valentine need false identities?

Why do they need false identities? They establish the name Radical Demosthes for Valentine, and Peter as the moderate lock. They can’t use their real identities because then someone will find out Ender is communicating with his family. Which he has come here to be isolated from them.

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