
Why does Franklin begin his program with temperance cite and explain evidence from the text in your answer?

Why does Franklin begin his program with temperance cite and explain evidence from the text in your answer?

Explanation: Benjamin Franklin has put together his own list or program of 13 virtues that anyone should achieve. Namely, temperance develops the self-discipline that is required to attain all other virtues, that is, self-discipline is necessary to uphold the other 12 virtues.

What caused Franklin to begin his moral perfection with the virtue of temperance?

What caused Franklin to begin his moral perfection with the virtue Temperance? He reasoned that he must be clearheaded before proceeding to the next virtue. He could see that when he focused on one virtue, he did not do as well with the others.

Why does Franklin organize the virtues in this way?

How does Franklin plan to acquire the virtues? Franklin plans to acquire them through making them into habits and fix his attention on one at a time. He organized them in such a way that making a habit of one virtue would lead to making habit of the next.

Did Franklin consider his moral improvement plan successful?

Franklin believed in thirteen virtues that he believed where necessary and desirable. Did Franklin believe his moral improvement plan was successful? Yes, because he followed his moral plan all of his life suggest that he thought it to be very successful.

How much time has Franklin allotted to each virtue?

one week

Is it possible to achieve moral perfection?

No one has the same goals and needs as others might do, you are the one who knows what you need to achieve moral perfection. So the answer to the question is yes, we all can achieve moral perfection, but you do not need the 13 virtues to do so. You are the one that determines your life not Ben Franklin.

Why is it surprising that the virtue of order gives him the most trouble?

Order gave him the most trouble because of the type of business he does. How is the speckled axe a symbol for accepting one’s faults? It represents that he wasnt willing to work hard enough to get rid of all his faults.

What was Benjamin Franklin’s philosophy of life?

Of the American Founders, Franklin had an unrivaled understanding of the individual human soul. At the heart of his political vision is a view of democratic citizenship, a rich understanding of the qualities of the heart and mind necessary to support liberty and sustain happiness.

Who invented lightning?

Benjamin Franklin

Are lightning rods used today?

Modern Lightning Rods Lightning rods are not a thing of the past, and there are many installed on homes across the country. In fact, proper lightning protection systems have multiple lightning rods spread out across the top of the structure.

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Why does Franklin begin his program with temperance cite and explain evidence from the text in your answer?

Why does Franklin begin his program with temperance cite and explain evidence from the text in your answer?

Explanation: Benjamin Franklin has put together his own list or program of 13 virtues that anyone should achieve. Namely, temperance develops the self-discipline that is required to attain all other virtues, that is, self-discipline is necessary to uphold the other 12 virtues.

What goal does Franklin set for himself?

The key to Franklin’s success was his drive to constantly improve himself and accomplish his ambitions. In 1726, at the age of 20, Ben Franklin set his loftiest goal: the attainment of moral perfection. I conceiv’d the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection.

Do you think Franklin achieved the value of humility?

Franklin sincerely believed in the things he did, was willing to admit to mistakes when needed, learned from anyone who could educate him about new causes and concerns, and encouraged those around him to do the same. It takes humility to be ready to accept instruction from others, and Franklin did so.

What is it about Jefferson’s diction or word choice and arrangement that makes the declaration of rights so memorable?

Beyond the above mentioned aspects about Jefferson, his diction in the Declaration of Independence reveals him to a consummate perfectionist; his word choice is so incredibly deliberate and exacting. The Declaration is not written in everyday language because it is not an everyday document.

Is the declaration a legal document?

The Declaration of Independence states the principles on which our government, and our identity as Americans, are based. Unlike the other founding documents, the Declaration of Independence is not legally binding, but it is powerful.

What issues led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

On April 19, 1775, the Battles of Lexington and Concord initiated armed conflict between Great Britain and the 13 North American colonies (the nucleus of the future United States of America). At that time few of the colonists consciously desired to separate from Britain.

What are two complaints in the Declaration of Independence?

1. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. 2. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

What are 5 complaints against the king?

The colonists’s five main complaints were about the following: taxes, British troops, tea, the Intolerable Acts, and King George. The most important reason why the relationship soured was the introduction of numerous taxes by the British. These taxes were levied by the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, and the Townshend Acts.

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