
Why does Holden change his mind about going away?

Why does Holden change his mind about going away?

She wants to run away with him. Why does Holden change his mind about going away? Partly to make up with Phoebe, but also to start facing reality.

What does Holden reveal about his communication with his parents about his issues?

What does Holden reveal about his communication with his parents about his issues? He reveals that he and his parents don’t get along very well. He doesn’t go to them for help and doesn’t have a close bond with them.

How has Holden’s brother lost his respect?

Holden’s parents provided him a lousy childhood because they were too occupied. Ch 1: How has Holden’s brother D.B. lost his respect? D.B. lost Holden’s respect when he moved to Hollywood to write movies. Holden dislikes movies.

WHat does Holden say to the Navy guy that he doesn’t really mean?

WHat does holden mean? if you don’t say nice to have met you or something like that you are going to to be perceived as rude or like you’re too good and a guy think the navy guy will hurt you or you could get into a fight. Also the word could get around about that.

What does Phoebe do that makes Holden cry just before he leaves?

Holden returns to D.B.’s room, now inhabited by Phoebe. She has the radio on, and they dance. Holden lights a cigarette, and Phoebe explains how she can fake a fever. After the mother leaves, Phoebe loans Holden her Christmas money, which makes Holden cry.

What advice does Mr Antolini offer to Holden?

What advice did Mr. Antolini give Holden? “The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.”

Why did it depress Holden when an old guy?

Why did it depress Holden when an “old guy” told him that his days at Pencey Prep were the happiest days of his life? This depressed Holden because he realizes that, where he is now, Pencey was the the happiest place he had been too.

Why does Holden call everyone old?

Besides being a term of endearment, Holden’s calling his sister old Phoebe indicates that he has known her for a long time, that he knows and understands her very well, and that he likes almost everything he knows about her character. He refers to her as “old” Phoebe as a term of endearment.

Where is Holden in the beginning of the story?

Thomsen Hill

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