Why does it take the jury so long to reach a verdict?

Why does it take the jury so long to reach a verdict?

Usually when a jury takes a long time in deliberation, it means that there is at least some debate as to the guilt or innocence of the accused. Perhaps Atticus’ emotional plea to the jury to do the right thing and that everyone should be treated equally in the court system had an effect.

What is unusual about how long it takes the jury to reach a verdict is the verdict predictable or not explain?

It is very unusual how long it took the jury to reach a verdict because the case involved a black man. Even more, the case involved an attack by a black man of a white woman. The fact that it took as long as it did shows that Atticus scored a few points and made the jury consider all the evidence.

How long was the jury out and why is this important?

How long was the jury out? (And why isn’t this a trivial question?) They were out thirty minutes and this matters because it shows that the verdict wasn’t an immediate decision. How does Bob Ewell react to the verdict? He verbally and physically harms everyone associated with the defending side of the jury.

What is the jury verdict in Chapter 21?

” Chapter 21 To Kill a Mockingbird ” Tom Robinson is ultimately found guilty of raping Mayella Ewell. After hearing the verdict, Jem is crushed by the decision, and he loses a great deal of his childhood innocence.

How does Scout know the verdict before she hears it?

How does Scout know the deliberation before she hears it? Scout had a feeling that the verdict was going to be guilty. She could feel the mood in the courtroom. Scout remarks that juries do not look at the defendents when the verdict is guilty.

Why did Atticus lose the case?

Atticus thinks he can’t win in his defense of Tom Robinson because of the town’s systemic racism. As Atticus explains to Uncle Jack, the case will come down to whose word the jury will believe—they are not likely to believe Tom’s word over that of Mayella and her father, despite how suspicious they are.

Does Atticus think he will win the case?

No, Atticus knows from the start that he will not win the case against Tom Robinson, because the rules of white southern society in the 1930s won’t allow a black to win against a white.

How does Atticus know he will lose the case?

Atticus tells him he does not know if he is going to win or lose. As Atticus explains to Uncle Jack, the case will come down to whose word the jury will believe—they are not likely to believe Tom’s word over that of Mayella and her father, despite how suspicious they are….

Is Atticus Black?

For more than 50 years, Atticus Finch stood as one of the most beloved characters in American literature, the model of a principled white man who spoke out for racial justice and a gentle father who guided his children by example rather than through fear.

What does Scout overhear at the end of Chapter 9?

But Atticus’ conscience guides him in making the decision, primarily because he could not “face my children otherwise.” Atticus allows Scout to deliberately overhear them talking so that she knows the facts of the case; so that she knows how much he cares for and respects his children; and so that she can wonder what …

What does Mrs Dubose do before she dies?

Dubose is a morphine addict who had vowed to go clean before she died, and enlisted Jem and Scout (without their knowledge) to keep her off the stuff for longer and longer periods of time. Atticus tells the kids the lesson he hopes they’ve learned from her.

What is wrong with Mrs Dubose?

Mrs. Dubose dies a little more than a month after Jem’s punishment ends. Atticus reveals to Jem that she was addicted to morphine and that the reading was part of her successful effort to combat this addiction. Dubose had given her maid for Jem; in it lies a single white camellia.

Who is Uncle Jack?

Uncle Jack is Jack Sparrow’s uncle in the film, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. He is a pirate who is recently imprisoned in Saint Martin’s prison.

Who played Uncle Jack in breaking bad?

Michael Bowen Jr.

Who is Francis Hancock To Kill a Mockingbird?

Francis Hancock is the spoiled grandson of Aunt Alexandra. (The son of her son, Henry Hancock.) Every Christmas, Henry and his wife drop Francis at Finch’s Landing, which is the only time Scout and Jem see him.

What is the main message of the book To Kill a Mockingbird?

The overall message, or theme, in To Kill a Mockingbird is that every human being deserves to be treated with dignity. In the beginning of the story, we learn that children should be treated with dignity.

Who are the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird based on?

What inspired Harper Lee to write To Kill a Mockingbird? It is widely believed that Harper Lee based the character of Atticus Finch on her father, Amasa Coleman Lee, a compassionate and dedicated lawyer….

What time period is To Kill a Mockingbird set in?

Great Depression

What lessons does to kill a mockingbird teach?

To Kill a Mockingbird taught us about bravery, injustice, inequality, poverty, racism, corruption, hatred, oppression, how we should judge people by their character and nothing else, how the people we are scared of are often not very frightening at all and how those we view as superior or in charge are sometimes the ……

What is the reading level for To Kill a Mockingbird?

Growing up in Alabama during the 1930s, six-year-old Scout Finch leads a fairly charmed life. Her dad, Atticus, is a kind single parent and a well-regarded attorney….By Harper Lee.

Guided Reading Level Z
DRA Level 70

What is the most important lesson in To Kill a Mockingbird?

One of the most famous quotes from Harper Lee’s beloved “To Kill a Mockingbird” is: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. … Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”

What does To Kill a Mockingbird symbolize?

In this story of innocence destroyed by evil, the ‘mockingbird’ comes to represent the idea of innocence. Thus, to kill a mockingbird is to destroy innocence.” The longest quotation about the book’s title appears in Chapter 10, when Scout explains: “‘Remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird….

What is To Kill a Mockingbird about short summary?

To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee. Many residents of Maycomb are racists and during the novel Atticus is asked to defend Tom Robinson, a black man wrongly accused of raping a white woman. Atticus takes on the case even though everyone knows he has little hope of winning.

When was To Kill a Mockingbird banned?


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