Why does maniac not want the Beales to call him Maniac?

Why does maniac not want the Beales to call him Maniac?

Mars Bar dislikes Maniac because Maniac is white. Later, Spinelli implies that Mars Bar put the racial epithet on the Beales’ house because he’d previously called Maniac “fishbelly” and because he is prejudiced against whites. As Maniac leaves town, Mars Bar and his group of friends heckle him.

Who does Maniac Magee end up living with?

Indeed, Amanda Beale, with her usual amiable bossiness, gives him little choice. After staying for a time with a number of different people and in a variety of situations, Maniac has ended up alone, and is spending his nights in the buffalo pen at the zoo.

What did Amanda have in her suitcase that Jeffrey loved Maniac Magee?

Amanda keeps her whole library in a suitcase. Maniac is very impressed when he sees all of the books. For him there has been no school, and no books. He loves the story and rereads it passionately.

How does Maniac Magee fit in with the Beale family?

Maniac fits in as if he belongs at the Beale house and has always been there. He also does chores, including taking out the trash and mowing the grass. He is very neat. His room is clean, and he puts the cap on the toothpaste tube.

Why did maniac not save Russell?

Maniac couldn’t go up on the trestle to save Russell because he was too scared that he would fall into the river like his parents did in the car crash into the Schuylkill River.

What did maniac do when they found Russell?

He came across the open-air museum at Valley Forge, where the “only buildings… were tiny log-and-mortar cabins, replicas of the army’s shelters.” Feeling like a cold, weary, and defeated Revolutionary War soldier, Maniac wrapped himself in a blanket and settled in to one of the replica cabins.

What crazy thing happened after he saved Russell?

According to Mars Bar, what “crazy” thing happened after he saved Russell? McNab asked him to help tear down the pillbox. His mother covered up the incident and insisted he tell no one. He took Russell and Piper to his house, and they didn’t want to leave.

What was the secret pitch that maniac lied about to Piper and Russell?

Expert Answers Maniac pretends that Giant John McNab once pitched him the “stopball” because he doesn’t want John to be disgraced in front of his little brothers.

Who did save Russell?

Maniac is called in to help save Russell in chapter 44, and the chapter ends with Maniac seeing the bridge and walking away.

Who is Piper and Russell’s brother?

Piper and Russell McNab Character Analysis. Piper and Russell are Giant John’s little brothers and George McNab’s sons. They are around eight years old.

Why didn’t maniac who was usually so brave and kind help Russell when he was stranded on the trolley trestle?

Maniac was unable to help Russell when he was stranded on the trolley trestle because he relived the fear and memories about this place where his parents were killed.

What does Amanda change to Mars Bar?


What does Amanda change Mars Bars name in Chapter 46?

Amanda has decided that the soft touch isn’t working, and tells Maniac off. Big time. And she’s got Mars Bar (now “Snickers”) backing her up.

What is Maniacs real name?

Jeffrey Lionel Magee

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