Why does Mildred worry about being caught with books?
She is worried about being caught with books because it is against the law and she doesn’t want her housed to burn. This show me that she is Selfish because instead of supporting he husband she tell about Montag having books to the cops or someone else.
What is Mildred worried might happen if Montag reads books?
When Montag and Mildred both read the books, Montag is much more interested than she is, because she prefers the “relatives” in the parlor television. Mildred also worries about Captain Beatty, because she says he will come and burn the house down if he finds out they have the books.
What is Mildred’s reaction to the books?
What is Mildred’s reaction to the books? She finds them fascinating. She finds them frustrating and prefers television. She is illiterate and cannot read them.
How does Mildred react to Montag’s books?
How does Mildred react to Montag’s reading? She was ignoring him. He’s reading a book. It should mean that the firemen know he has books.
Did Montag want Mildred to die in the bomb blast?
Did Montag want Mildred to die in the bomb blast? Montag was against her dying in the bomb blast, but was not as against it as a married man should be. He pictured her sitting in a hotel room with her family, not even realizing her near death until it was too late.
What did Mildred regret losing in the fire?
what did Mildred regret losing in the fire? she regretted losing the walls. Mildred felt as if she had lost her family.
Who does Montag compare to a mirror?
First, Montag compares Clarisse’s face to a mirror. Next he says that Clarisse is like the “eager watcher of a marionette show, anticipating each flicker of an eyelid, gesture of his hand, each flick of a finger, the moment before it began” (Bradbury 11).
Why is Clarisse Mcclellan considered anti social?
Clarisse is considered anti-social because she refuses to participate in the activates that the government deems as acceptable activities for people in the society of “Fahrenheit 451”.
How like a mirror is too her face?
How like a mirror, too, her face. Impossible; for how many people did you know that refracted your own light to you? People were more often—he searched for a simile, found one in his work—torches, blazing away until they whiffed out.
What do mirrors symbolize?
Mirrors reflect light which allows them to reflect the world around them. In spiritual concepts, light is a powerful symbol of wisdom and awareness. As a consequence, mirrors are symbols and carriers of truth and reflect what our truth is.
What do mirrors symbolize in f451?
Mirrors in this story symbolizes self-understanding of seeing oneself clearly. This may also symbolize portals to alternative realities. At the end of the book, Granger says that they must build a mirror factory to take a look at themselves. Also in the story Montag looks in life’s mirror and reflects on himself.
What is the significance of Montag seeing his reflection?
The significance of Montag seeing his reflection in Clarisse’s eyes is that Montag sees himself as he really is for the first time, which is unhappy. Clarisse causes Montag to recall a childhood memory in which a wish was embedded.
What two observations does Clarisse make?
What two observations does Clarisse make about Montag’s conversational mannerisms? First, she notices that Montag laughs when she wasn’t trying to be funny. He laughs because he is uncomfortable being asked to think and talk. Second, she notices that Montag doesn’t stop to think about his answers before he gives them.
What did Beatty believe about society?
On a deeper level, Beatty is a well-read and philosophical person in his own right, and he believes there is a loneliness to the universe that society helps us to ignore. Beatty does not want to worry about this; he prefers the life of instant gratification and minimal thinking that social has fabricated.
Why is it important to Montag that he read the books he’s taken what does this imply about his character or identity?
Montag wants to read books because he believes they might help him understand what’s wrong with society. He spends the first third of the novel reflecting on the aspects of his social and personal life that contribute to his unhappiness, and he grows curious about books.
What does Granger give to Montag?
Granger gives Montag a bottle of colorless fluid to drink and explains that it will change the chemical index of his perspiration so the Hound will not be able to find him.