Why does Montag tell Faber to burn the bed spread and the chair?

Why does Montag tell Faber to burn the bed spread and the chair?

Another Mechanical Hound. Why does Montag tell Faber to burn the bed spread and the chair? The Hound tracks people by scent, so he tells Faber to burn them to destroy his scent. He is worried that the Hound will attack Faber and then continue after him.

Why does Montag burn his entire house and everything in it?

“I want you to do this job all by your lonesome, Montag. Montag ultimately decides that Beatty provoked him by arming him with a flamethrower and having him burn his house because Beatty had a death wish and hoped for Montag to kill him: Beatty had wanted to die.

Why does Montag decide to stop burning?

He realizes the burning has to stop: either he has to stop or the sun. Since the sun will not stop, Montag and other firemen will have to do so, so the world can begin again, fresh.

Why did Montag burn Faber?

Montag burns Captain Beatty because Beatty knows that he has been hoarding books and shows up to burn his house and threatens Faber. After Mildred turns Montag in for having books, Beatty tries to makes him take a flamethrower to his own house. Montag is frustrated with Beatty, and terrified.

How did Captain Beatty die?

Captain Beatty dies when Montag aims the flame thrower at him and burns him alive. In the course of their work in burning books, Beatty leads Montag straight to Montag’s own house.

Why does Beatty say books are dangerous?

Beatty’s explicit reason for destroying books is to maintain social order. According to Beatty, society got so overpopulated, so sensitive to insult, and so concerned with pleasure, that things which created divisions became so unwelcome as to be dangerous to social order itself.

Who does Beatty blame for book banning?

Therefore, Beatty claims, it was the public (not the government) that dictated the censorship of books. The public would rather be happy with a homogeneous, generally well-liked product than have to deal with many different philosophies and viewpoints in books: There you have it, Montag.

How does Montag know Beatty wanted to die?

When he finds the earpiece that Faber has been using to communicate with Montag, Beatty says that he will track Faber down and arrest him too. That is the point at which Montag turns the flamethrower on Beatty and burns him to death. In the middle of the crying Montag knew it for the truth. Beatty had wanted to die.

Did Montag want Mildred to die in the bomb blast?

Did Montag want Mildred to die in the bomb blast? Montag was against her dying in the bomb blast, but was not as against it as a married man should be. He pictured her sitting in a hotel room with her family, not even realizing her near death until it was too late.

What was the special silence that was concerned with all of the world?

Montag acknowledges the serene, quiet atmosphere and is attracted to the peaceful silence of the men around the campfire. Bradbury then personifies silence by writing, Montag moved toward this special silence that was concerned with all of the world (68).

How did the hound not touch the world?

How did the Hound “not touch the world”? I think the Hound “not touching the world” represents Montag’s guilt. The guilt is not physically touching the world. And, the guilt is silent, yet it builds up and follows you, just like the Hound.

What happened to Montag while trying to cross a large street?

Montag is forced to cross the highway as he flees the authorities and heads to the sanctuary of Faber’s apartment. As the speed of the car increases, Montag quickens his pace. Once the car reaches approximately 130 mph, Montag starts to run across the highway, but this causes him to drop one of his books on the ground.

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