Why does my coolant light go on and off?

Why does my coolant light go on and off?

If the coolant level indicator, turns on and off for no real reason this means that your car’s sensors have failed. A malfunctioned coolant sensor may lead to a diminution in fuel efficiency or it may even lead to improper emission readings. The reason behind such defective sensor would be a probable loose connection.

What does it mean when coolant light comes on?

The most common reason for the coolant light to become illuminated is simply that the coolant level is too low. There may be a floating sensor in your coolant tank that triggers the warning light when the level drops. You may need to book a coolant change.

How far can you drive with coolant light?

If the coolant is low but above the minimum mark, then you are still fine to run the car for a few days, but if the coolant is below the minimum mark, please do not even try to drive your car like that so you don’t knock your engine. You need to top up the coolant.

Is it normal to top up coolant?

Coolant should only be topped up with water in case of an emergency when the coolant liquid level is lower than it should be. Adding a little water to coolant shouldn’t do any real damage but adding too much will lower its boiling point and stop the coolant from working as efficiently.

How often should you fill coolant?

An owner’s manual might recommend changing the coolant/antifreeze after the first 60,000 miles, then every 30,000 miles. But the coolant change recommendation is wildly different from car to car, as some models of cars do not recommend it be changed for as far as 120,000+ miles.

Will a blown head gasket cause knocking?

A blown head gasket is a very serious problem for any driver. Head gaskets are responsible for sealing in a variety of different fuels in an automobile and when they blow, it can cause major damage to your engine. If your engine is knocking, it is one sign that you may have a blown head gasket.

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