
Why does Quora force you to download the app?

Why does Quora force you to download the app?

Why does Quora force us to install the web app? They think that the web app will increase engagement. It seems companies like to have an app on your phone so they can show you notifications and get you to check their app or website many times a day. They want to make it an addictive experience.

Why do I have to sign up for Quora?

Quora has a lot of copyrighted content, some of which their users don’t allow you to copy. It also creates a sense of a “wall” or “community.” It is easy to access, but it is not “a search engine.” The implied message is probably “If you care enough to read the content, you should join.”

Why is Quora not good?

Quora can be a starting point for figuring out a problem or finding links for what you want to know. A large amount of content is not a reliable answer. Some are opinions based on no facts or expertise. The person that answers have an agenda behind the answer and the answer is wrong.

Can I use Quora without app?

Originally Answered: How can I read my Quora feed without installing the app? I don’t have space for more apps on my phone. Just go to http://quora.com in your browser, log in, and you’re on Quora.

Can you use Quora without an account?

No. To test this, I opened an incognito window and went onto Quora. and as you can see, there is no button that allows you to just browse without signing up for an account. When you click a link to a Quora answer or question without having an account, you are able to browse all the answers to the question.

Why is Quora blurred?

The bot algorithm does not appear to actually look at the images. It is activated by words that appear in the question. All images in all answers to that question will then be blurred. [ Updated 30Oct2020 ] I reported this issue to Quora.

Can others see what I read on Quora?

It is private; others cannot see your Reading List. Quora User, 6x Top Writer. Everyone who uses Quora can see everything you do here unless you do it anonymously. The only activities that can be anonymous are asking and answering questions.

How do you read questions on Quora?

Login to your Quora account, click on question. Click on comment if there is any. You will see the question details if it have.

Why have I been blocked from adding questions on Quora?

Why did Quora block me from asking questions? Your questions are improperly formatted, or don’t really ask a question. They may be rhetorical, or create too many assumptions. You’re a troll, and you’ve had a number of downvoted questions.

What can I learn know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?

So let’s take a look at three things you can learn in only 10 minutes!

  • Learning Korean basics. You may think that learning a language takes much more time than just 10 minutes.
  • Learning Techniques For a Good Night’s Sleep. Some people say that getting a good sleep at night is not easy.
  • Learning To Use a Fire Extinguisher.

Why are Quora answers so rude?

Some people are rude or aggressive when answering on Quora because that is who they are, at that moment. The question may make them angry or they may feel scornful of the question. People are mostly rude when the question is puerile or appears designed especially to annoy us.

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