Why God is your source of strength?

Why God is your source of strength?

Jesus is our source of strength. In the same way as the Psalmist who proclaims (Psalm 73:26) that God as the source of his strength, let us also do the same. By doing so, we profess our faith in our Lord Jesus who is our only Saviour. Let us open the doors of our heart to the living God and allow Him to reign over us.

What does it mean that God is our strength?

God is also our strength or “power.” This is the same word that Jesus uses in in Acts 1:8 when he promises to give us “power” with the coming of the Holy Spirit who now lives within us. Thankfully, God is also our ever-present Helper, the one who cares enough to share his unlimited resources with us.

How can we rejoice in the Lord?

How to rejoice in the Lord when you’re discouraged

  1. Meditate upon the word of God.
  2. Cast your disappointment at the feet of the king.
  3. Resting In Gods Timing.
  4. Surround yourself with those who love you!

Why is it important to rejoice in the Lord?

The Beautiful Benefits of Rejoicing in the Lord Our mind is set is on the things above. Our emotions come into line with the peace of Christ. Our hearts are filled with joy. Healing waters are ushered into our soul as we open the door to joy and gratitude and close it to anger, resentment, and more.

What it means to rejoice in the Lord always?

If we always focus on the outer world, we will often miss God’s leading. He may be leading you to pray about an external change, but he is always leading you to pray about your relationship and joy in him. We Are Called to “Rejoice in the Lord Always,” Which Means Joy Is Always Available in God.

Who said Rejoice in the Lord always?

By Rev. Kevin MacKenzie Special to The Guardian CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. – “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4) “In all things give thanks…” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

What is the meaning of rejoice?

transitive verb. : to give joy to : gladden. intransitive verb. : to feel joy or great delight.

What does divest mean?

Divestment is the process of selling subsidiary assets, investments, or divisions of a company in order to maximize the value of the parent company.

What are synonyms for rejoice?

In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for rejoice, like: celebrate, joy, pleasure, happy, enjoy, glory, jubilate, cheer, delight, elate and gladden.

What is the opposite word of rejoice?

rejoice. Antonyms: mourn, grieve, lament, weep, sorrow, repent, trouble, afflict, oppress, weary, depress, disappoint, burden, darken, distress, pain, sadden, vex, annoy. Synonyms: delight, glory, exult, joy, triumph, gladden, delight, revel, be glad, cheer, please, enliven, gratify.

Is rejoice a religious word?

When you rejoice, you celebrate or feel extreme happiness. You might rejoice after scoring the winning goal in a championship game, or you might rejoice when you receive an amazing gift on your birthday. You’ll often hear this word in the phrase “let us rejoice,” especially in some religious settings.

What is another word for delight?


What is the biblical definition of delight?

To “delight,” says Webster’s Dictionary, is to “take pleasure” or “to give keen enjoyment” or to “give joy or satisfaction to.” Therefore, to delight in God’s Law/Word is to “take pleasure in the Word of God.” In simple words, it means we enjoy the Word.

What is the full meaning of delight?

1 : a high degree of gratification or pleasure : joy children squealing in delight also : extreme satisfaction seems to take delight in the misfortunes of others. 2 : something that gives great pleasure her performance was a delight..

Which is the best synonym for to delight?


  • contentment.
  • glee.
  • joy.
  • pleasure.
  • satisfaction.
  • hilarity.
  • jollity.
  • rapture.

What is the opposite word of delight?

delight. Antonyms: pain, suffering, sorrow, trouble, misery, displeasure, dissatisfaction, disappointment, discomfort, dejection, depression, distress, melancholy, discontent. Synonyms: enjoyment, pleasure, happiness, transport, ecstasy, joy, gratification, gladness, rapture, bliss.

What part of speech is the word delight?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: verb
inflections: delights, delighting, delighted
definition 1: to give great pleasure or joy. He delighted us with his wild stories. synonyms: charm, enchant, entrance, gratify, please antonyms: disgust, dismay, displease similar words: amuse, cheer, tickle

What is the verb form of delightful?

delight is the verb of delightful.

Is Delite a word?

Noun. Delightfulness; a feeling of joy or mirth, especially one that is sexual: Enjoyability or delightfulness considered in the abstract or in general. One’s experiencing of delight; a delightful time or place.

How do u spell Delite?

An unetymological spelling, in imitation of words like light, might, etc.; the analogical modern spelling would be delite; from Middle English delite, from Old French deleiter, deliter, from Latin delectare (“to delight, please”), frequentative of delicere (“to allure”); see delectation and delicate.

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