Why is alfalfa hay bad for horses?

Why is alfalfa hay bad for horses?

Excess protein, like excess energy has been implicated as a cause of developmental orthopedic disease in growing horses. 3. Alfalfa hay contains too much calcium and/or magnesium a. The high calcium level causes a high calcium:phosphorus ratio which may contribute to developmental orthopedic disease b.

Is alfalfa hard on horses kidneys?

It can be detrimental, however, to horses with impaired kidneys or liver. These individuals have problems processing and excreting protein and should be kept on a very low-protein diet. Duren also doesn’t recommend feeding straight alfalfa to endurance horses due to its protein and calcium content.

Can alfalfa kill a horse?

While feeding extra protein is wasteful, a high-protein diet in itself does not hurt a healthy horse. It can be detrimental, however, to horses with impaired kidneys or liver. Duren also doesn’t recommend feeding straight alfalfa to endurance horses due to its protein and calcium content.

Can you feed a horse straight alfalfa?

Horses can successfully consume alfalfa, a good source of fibre and. protein. They can graze it in pastures or eat it as hay. Myth: Do not feed straight alfalfa to young, growing horses.

Can alfalfa cubes cause colic?

Alfalfa cubes and pellets can cause colic. And pellets are concentrated alfalfa hay, which also increases the risk of colic. A horse will likely eat all the alfalfa cubes they have available, but when fed alfalfa hay, they are picky and often waste some. Overeating alfalfa leads to obesity and colic.

Can I feed alfalfa cubes instead of hay?

Forage cubes can be fed just like hay, at a 1:1 ratio of the like hay type the horse currently consumes. For example, you would replace five pounds of alfalfa hay with five pounds of alfalfa cubes and adjust the amount if needed to maintain the animal’s proper weight.

How long can you soak alfalfa cubes?

Soaked alfalfa cubes are easier to eat, and they contain more nutrients than grass hay. Before feeding an older horse, soak the cubes for 10 to 30 minutes, or until they’re soft and soupy. If necessary, experiment with soaking methods and keep an eye on your horse’s feeding habits to find its preferred consistency.

What can I feed instead of hay?

Six Hay Alternatives for Horses

  • Bagged chopped forage. It can replace all of your horse’s hay, if necessary.
  • Hay cubes. Chopped cubed hay (usually alfalfa or timothy or a combination) is another 100-percent replacement.
  • Hay pellets.
  • “Complete” feed.
  • Beet pulp.
  • Soybean hulls.

Can alfalfa pellets replace hay?

You should include alfalfa pellets in your horse’s diet for many reasons. However, you should not use them to replace hay. They lack long-stem fibers and cannot replace hay. However, they can replace the calories that hay provides safely.

Can alfalfa pellets replace hay for goats?

Can alfalfa pellets or cubes totally replace hay? If you are asking about sheep, goats, and cattle, the answer is no. Ruminants cannot live on a diet of only alfalfa pellets.

Can Wethers eat alfalfa?

The overall diet, which includes hay, feed, minerals, and snacks, should have twice the calcium of phosphorous. The best thing to do is feed your wethers a grassy alfalfa hay (this is a mix or orchard grass and alfalfa), a loose goat mineral (we like Sweetlix Meat Maker) and NO GRAIN.

How do you supplement poor quality hay?

Consider grinding the hay Meeter says, “Grinding poor quality forages can help increase intake. Be aware of the cost associated with grinding (normally around $10 per bale). Also, grinding and mixing hay with other ingredients makes it more difficult for the cow to sort around dangerous components.”

What is a good TDN for hay?

Hay scoring between 54% and 57% TDN should meet most cow herd’s TDN requirement except for exceptionally heavy milking cows, late stage, first-calf heifers and those same heifers after calving. “In these cases, TDN in their forage or diet should be in the 60% plus range,” he says.

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