
Why is Android better than iOS?

Why is Android better than iOS?

Android handily beats the iPhone because it provides a lot more flexibility, functionality and freedom of choice. Apple’s iPhone lineup took a leap forward this year, adding new hardware capabilities such as wireless charging and, in the case of the iPhone X, a high-res OLED screen.

Why Samsungs are better than iPhones?

iPhone is more secure. It has a better touch ID and a much better face ID. Also, there is a lesser risk of downloading apps with malware on iPhones than with android phones. However, Samsung phones are also very secure so it’s a difference that may not necessarily de a deal-breaker.

What can Android do that iPhone can t?

5 Things Android Phones Can Do That iPhones Can’t (& 5 Things Only iPhones Can Do)

  • 3 Apple: Easy Transfer.
  • 4 Android: Choice Of File Managers.
  • 5 Apple: Offload.
  • 6 Android: Storage Upgrades.
  • 7 Apple: WiFi Password Sharing.
  • 8 Android: Guest Account.
  • 9 Apple: AirDrop.
  • 10 Android: Split Screen Mode.

Why did my text messages turn from blue to green?

If you own an iPhone, you may have noticed something odd in the Messages app: Some messages are blue and some are green. Short answer: Blue ones have been sent or received using Apple’s iMessage technology, while green ones are “traditional” text messages exchanged via Short Messaging Service, or SMS.

Are iMessage free?

To send iMessages, you need a data plan, or you can send them over WiFi. If you use WiFi, there’s no cost, but if you use your cellphone’s data, it’s deducted from your data plan. Sending pictures or videos over iMessage can use a lot of data very quickly. iMessage is located in the default messages app on your iPhone.

Does iMessage use WIFI?

iMessage sends messages over Wi-Fi or cellular data when Wi-Fi is unavailable, rather than through traditional SMS. This means, if you do not have a data plan and are not connected to Wi-Fi, you will incur pay-per-use data charges when using iMessage.

How safe is iMessage?

The iMessage system, like much of what Apple does, is opaque and its inner workings have not been made available to outsiders. One of the key things that is known about the system is that messages are encrypted from end to end and Apple has said that it does not have the ability to decrypt users’ messages.

Does texting pictures use data?

If you’re just sending text-based messages, then there’s really no problem. However, when you start sending or receiving photo or audio messages using cellular, you’re going to use a lot more data. If you do anything with video messages, you’ll be burning up data like crazy.

What happens if you use up all your data?

Using too much data Doing things on the internet uses up data. Activities such as watching movies or TV use a lot of data, and basic web pages that just have text and a few images use less. If you use more data than your plan allows, you might have to pay more, or your internet service might be slowed down.

How much cell phone data does the average person use?

A recent mobile data report shows the average American uses about 7GB of mobile data per month.

Should mobile data be on or off?

Both Android and iOS have options that can make your mobile internet experience a lot smoother, but they can also eat up data. On iOS, it’s Wi-Fi Assist. On Android, it’s Adaptive Wi-Fi. Either way, it’s something you should consider turning off if you use too much data each month.

Why is my data being used so quickly?

Your apps might also be updating over cellular data, which can burn through your allotment pretty quickly. Turn off automatic app updates under the iTunes and App Store settings. Your next move should be to make sure your photos only backup to iCloud when you’re on Wi-Fi.

What happens when you turn off your mobile data?

(On iPhone, tap the “Settings” icon, tap “Cellular,” then turn off “Cellular Data.” On Android, tap the “Settings” icon, tap “Network & internet,” tap “Mobile network” and turn off “Mobile data.”) After turning off mobile data, you’ll still be able to make and receive phone calls and get text messages.

Should mobile data be on or off on iPhone?

You can turn cellular data on or off to limit apps and services from using the mobile network to connect to the Internet. When cellular data is on, apps and services use your cellular connection when Wi-Fi isn’t available. As a result, you may be charged for using certain features and services with cellular data.

What should I turn off on my iPhone?

We’ve listed some features that you can turn off in your iPhone with good conscience without noticing any difference….6 iPhone settings you should turn off

  1. 1 iPhone Analytics.
  2. 2 iCloud analytics.
  3. 3 Signifikant Locations.
  4. 5 Unnecessary System Services.
  5. 6 Tracking for advertising.

What uses my data on my iPhone?

To see how much cellular data that you’ve used, go to Settings > Cellular or Settings > Mobile Data. Scroll down to find which apps are using cellular data. If you don’t want an app to use cellular data, you can turn it off for that app. When cellular data is off, apps will only use Wi-Fi for data.

How do I know I have 5G?

Go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options. If you see this screen, your device has 5G activated.

Will 5G work on 4G phones?

4G phones still work on a 5G network, they just won’t get that coveted 5G speed. The truth is that 5G is not an entirely new network — it’s just added on top of the 4G network. So your 4G phone will keep working just fine and you’ll only have to upgrade if you want 5G’s blazing speed.

Should I get a 5G phone now?

5G is still a bleeding-edge feature in 2020, and it will remain a cutting-edge one in 2021. If you’re buying a top-of-the line phone you intend to keep for the next several years on Sprint, T-Mobile, or Verizon, 5G is good future-proofing.

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